Chapter 126: Lannister Fleet

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I couldn't stand them. Vampires were already very low on my species to tolerate list, but I didn't expect their royalty to be so repugnant. Despite learning of June's angelic origins, they still thought they could keep her like an exotic pet. They couldn't fathom the power she actually held, or they just didn't care. The princes were relatively young for vampires, so I could excuse it to hubris, but the king and queen who should know better felt the same. It wasn't until the dryad king was mentioned that they attempted to temper their tongues.

Something else that made me want to snort and shake my head was the thought that my Amorita attacked them. June was not violent by nature. She was exceedingly patient and showed more understanding than the noblest of creatures. It took quite a bit to make her angry, and even more so for her to act upon it. She had tolerated those accursed fairies for six years, and the most she did in response was put them in their place at a singing competition. She could have slapped them, asked Hendrix to pommel them, or even requested that I inconvenience them in some way, but no. So what did these princes do, in such a short amount of time, to make her attack?

Hoen was also causing me distress. He was still trying to figure out how to get his way when it came to June. He even illogically asked the vampires for help, which of course they had none to give. I couldn't think of a way to make him understand. To help him see what I saw in her. I could only hope time would change his ways, but I would need to be wary of him until then. Wary of my leader. My own friend.

"I'm sure there is much you still need to process, but I believe we should take our lunch." Hendrix said interrupting the arguing and bickering between the royals.

"Jason, we demand to see this human in question!" The queen said.

"Quite right! To claim that sloppily dressed human welp who was preparing food like some scullery maid is not only this angelic entity, but the queen of dryads is simply absurd! We need to question her in person." Prince Brannigan asserted.

"I refuse to believe my Celine Lupine is the same woman!" Prince Xavier blurted out. I was losing my calm with these brats.

"That was my initial plan, Your Highnesses. However, someone thought that my home and my possessions were not to be respected. They entered my property without permission or an escort, and proceeded to scare her into hiding." Hendrix said with an icy glare.

The princess looked away and the princes recoiled speechless.

"Still, Jason. My queen and I have yet to meet her. If you would like us to send our children home first, then so be it, but as the rulers of vampire kind we are privy to this information." King Lazarus said firmly.

"That won't be necessary." An aloof and arrogant voice came from the suddenly open door. Destin Moon stood there holding a stack of cards in his hand. His green eyes smugly assessed the room, and a haughty smile turned his lips.

"So, it was Destin Moon I saw." Prince Ronald cried out in relief.

"What is this popstar doing here?" Prince Brannigan demanded.

"He works with June to help her be Celine Lupine." Princess Katherine said exasperated.

"Yeah, but this time I'm here as a messenger." Destin said stalking into the room.

"You know this is a private conversation." Hendrix said annoyed.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll just drop these off, and leave you to it." He then started handing out these cards to each person in the room. His ears flattened when he dealt with the princes, but didn't show or say anything outside of that. We even got one. The card was made of rather pulpy firm paper. It had discolored marks and dabs of color showing that it wasn't overly processed when it was made. Written in golden ink and cursive were the words "You are Cordially Invited" at the top center of the card. In black ink there were few details. It read, "For lunch with his Majesty King Cenderion and his new consort. Arrive promptly at 12:30pm."

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