4-His Deaf Mate

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I couldn't think straight during our time at Ben and Jackson's home. All I could think about was that beautiful boy. I decided to go on a hunt after I left. I had driven separately from my mom on my bike, so I hopped on and drove back to the spot where I saw him.

It didn't bother me to drive the long, winding roads at night. My advanced eyesight and familiarity of the area made it easy. Once I reached the spot in the road where I had pulled over that morning, I killed the engine and dropped my bike on it's side.

The mouthwatering scent of apples hit me again, making Roman howl on the inside. I weaved through the trees again until I reached the same spot. He's here. He's actually here.

He seemed to be searching for something, bent over with his phone's flashlight scanning the ground. I was surprised he hadn't heard my approach. I stepped forward, finally catching his attention. He dropped his phone and looked up at me, wide eyed. He seemed terrified.

"Hey, it's alright," I told him in a gentle tone. He only stared at me, keeping the horrified expression on his face. "What's your name?" I asked. His eyes were on my lips as I spoke, but he creased his eyebrows after the words left my mouth. He seemed to be calming down a bit at my gentle disposition. Just barely.

Raising his right hand, he pressed the side of his index finger to the space just in front of his ear. Then, he raised it slightly, and moved it down to his chin; just below the corner of his mouth, and pressed there. The gears in my brain turned at his action, until it finally hit me. I had learned some basic words in sign language in school when I was very young.

He's telling me he's deaf.

I felt like such an idiot. That made the broken device make so much more sense. It was a fucking hearing aid. He's probably out here looking for it. Oh, I'm so stupid. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the plastic piece, extending my hand out to him.

"Is this yours?" I asked, but internally kicked myself at the immediate realization that he cannot hear my words. He seemed to understand what I was asking, though, as he nodded. He reached forward and grabbed it from my palm. His touch tingled against my skin and caused goosebumps. He gasped in surprise and stepped back, having felt the same thing.  

I brought my index and middle fingers together on both hands, and crossed them in front of me, tapping twice. I had remembered the sign for 'name', which I was ecstatic about. He smiled at the sign.

"Aiden," he spoke, spelling his name with his hands. His voice was music to my ears, and I felt deep sadness that he could not hear the beautiful sound for himself. His voice was unique, the few syllables he spoke with his name pronounced differently than normal, but still perfectly understandable. 

"You?" he asked with raised eyebrows while pointing at me. I tried to think of how to communicate with him. I remembered a few basic signs, yes, but not enough to spell my name. I pulled out my phone and typed my name before showing him the screen. He grabbed my phone and scanned the screen for a second before grinning.

"Mason," he said out loud. I nodded with a grin. My wolf practically purred at the sound of our mate saying my name. My phone still in his hands, he began tapping away at the screen. I creased my eyebrows but did nothing to stop him. Once he handed it back to me, I saw the screen had a contact pulled up. A new contact. The name being 'Mate<3', with what I'm guessing is Aiden's phone number below it. My pants grew a bit tighter in that moment.

"Thank you," he said while signing his words, and motioning to the hearing aid in his hand. Before I had the chance to respond, he left. Disappearing into the night. 

I stood in the forest, phone in hand, and jaw on the ground.

Finally getting ahold of myself, I found my footing, and walked back to my bike with a goofy grin on my face. 

He will be the death of me.

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