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Early in the morning, I walked past the living room toward the kitchen with the intent of making breakfast. I stopped to see two bodies asleep on our couch. I assumed everyone else had found their way to our guest rooms.

Mason was lying on his back, with a sleeping Aiden snuggled up to his chest. I grinned at the sight.

"Mason, Aiden, you guys want breakfast?" I asked, and Mason waved me off sleepily, saying nothing in response.

"Okay, what about you, Aiden?" I asked, but got nothing in response. I wrinkled my eyebrows. "Aiden? You hungry, bud?" Still nothing. I was about to call his name again when Ben caught my attention.

"He's deaf, sweetie," he said in a tired tone as he walked past with a wide awake Max in his arms. I pinched the bridge of my nose, now noticing his cochlear processor that laid on a nearby end table.

"Shit. I always forget," I grumbled, and made my way to the kitchen, not missing the quiet chuckle from Mason's half asleep self. I met Ben in the kitchen as he was sitting in the breakfast nook, feeding Max. 

"I can't be the only one that forgets, right?" I asked as I began pulling things from the fridge.

"Of course not, Jax," Ben replied.

Slowly, one by one, everyone began filing into the kitchen. Luca began fawning over Max while Liam got a cup of milk for Amelia. Griffin popped his head in to see what was being made, and made his way back to his mates in the living room after he was satisfied with the bacon and eggs. I could hear a lively conversation between Mason, Aiden, Elle, Rowan, and Griffin. This brought a smile to my face. I was glad everyone seemed to get along so well.

Soon after that, Beth showed up. Ben immediately interrogated her about Aiden's mother, making me chuckle.

Just as I was about to call everyone to breakfast, two of my warriors burst into my home. They ran straight to me, likely picking up on my scent. Everyone was startled to say the least. It was very concerning, as this was very out of character for my warrior wolves. They were out of breath, and wide eyed as they quickly approached me.

"Alpha! It's rogues. A lot of them," one told me in between his breaths.

"They're coming, Alpha," the other one informed me, sending me straight into action.

"Alright, sound the alarms so the pack knows. Ben, Luca, get everyone to the safe room. Liam," I looked to my Beta who met my gaze with equal intensity, "we fight."

"I will fight," Griffin piped up, catching my attention.

"Griffin, I don't know-" Liam started, but Griffin stopped him.

"Dad, all due respect, I'm not asking permission," he said firmly, and Liam simply nodded.

"I will fight too," Rowan volunteered, and Griffin looked at  him with a concerned expression, but said nothing.

"As will I," Mason added last. 

I didn't want my son to fight, but I knew there was no convincing him otherwise. He's the son of an Alpha, I feel confident he'll come out the other side alright.

I approached Ben and quickly kissed him while I held his face.

"Get in the safe room as soon as you can. I love you so much, baby," I told him.

"I love you too," he whispered back and kissed me one last time before taking off to complete his duties. I looked up, seeing the others pulling away from their mates after similar encounters. Luca scooped up Amelia and ran in the direction Ben had gone, with Elle, Aiden, and Beth following.

I heard the sirens outside, alerting the pack that we were under attack. They knew to come to the Alpha's home to get in the safe room if they were not going to fight. It was the Luna's responsibility, as well as the Beta's mate, to make sure everyone gets to the safe room. I knew Elle, Aiden and Beth would help them with this.

"We don't have time for a plan. Protect the pack, and don't get yourselves fucking killed," I told the men around me as we began to make our way outside.


"Come! Quick!" I yelled at a woman who was running toward me while I stood in the open doorway of the Alpha's mansion. She seemed to be the last one. Everyone sprang into action once the alarms were heard, and I couldn't be more proud of our pack. 

I could hear fighting in the distance, so I knew they were closing in; beginning to invade the territory.

Just as the woman made it inside, I was pulling the door shut when I saw something I never thought I'd see again in my life. I slammed the door shut, locking it.

It was a wolf. He was jet black with a large scar across his left eye; which identified him instantly. I knew who this wolf was.

It had been nearly twenty years since I escaped the violent grips of the rogues that kidnapped me when I was a child. The leader of those rogues was merciless. The large, ugly scar across his face was my doing. When I escaped at eighteen years old, he had almost caught me. In a desperate attempt to get away with my life, I grabbed a nearby knife and sliced the gash across his face. Then, I ran, never looking back.

I knew if he saw my face, he would kill me. Not only for permanently maiming him, but for taking what he believes is his. That's what he had told me after my first failed escape attempt; that I was his. 

My heart felt like it would beat out of my chest as I took a few seconds to piece these thoughts together. I looked up, to the terrified woman in front of me and was brought back to reality.

"Come," was all I said as I began walking toward the basement, where the safe room was. She followed. Once we got in, I looked around. There were many terrified faces. Crying babies. 

I quickly found Amelia with Elle as she called for me.

"Umma!" she exclaimed. I walked to Elle, taking Amelia. 

"Hey, baby," I whispered, and kissed her on her head.

Please, please, please don't hurt my family. Do whatever you want with me, just don't hurt my family.

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