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"He's a wild one, isn't he?" I said as I placed my hands on Ben's pregnant belly.

"Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree," Ben replied with a tired giggle.

"Hey now, what's that supposed to mean?" I retorted, drawing more giggles from my mate. Ben's laughter seemed to excite our little one as I felt more movement under my hands. I smiled. 

Ben was now six months pregnant. It was getting closer and closer every day. Though his belly was not quite as large as Beth's was when she carried Mason. The doctor assured us that our little one was healthy, just smaller than usual. We assumed the baby was taking more after Ben's omega genes, than my own Alpha genes. This worried Ben, but I was not concerned. I would protect our child with my life.

We were lying in bed as Ben held a book of baby names in his hands.

"You know, we could just name him after his sweet father," he mumbled.

"Which one?" I asked with a smirk as I leaned in and pressed a kiss to his soft lips.

"Jackson," he rolled his eyes, "you know I meant you." This caused a thought to come to mind.

"What will we do when he says dada, or daddy? How will we know who he's referring to?"

"Oh. That's a good point. Umm..." Ben seemed to ponder the thought.

"You could be... mama, and I could be dada," I suggested, hoping he wouldn't smack me.

"Mama?" he whispered as he smiled down at his belly and rubbed it gently. "Yeah, I think I like that." I sighed.

"Well, our little guy will have the best mama he could ever ask for," I told him.

"Oh, stop it," Ben said with a blush.

We sat in comfortable silence for a moment as Ben read the names in the book and I rubbed his belly.

"Look at this one," he said, drawing my attention. I peeked at the book. "Maxwell. It says it has been associated with strength and courage since the middle ages, and that it's believed anyone with the name Maxwell is blessed with power to overcome any obstacle. He'll need that if he's an omega like me."

"I think that's a beautiful name, baby. We could call him Max," I told him with a grin.

"Oh, that's too cute. Now just a middle name. Hmmm..." he flipped through the book for a few moments before stopping on a page. "Maxwell Isaac Ward. What do you think?"

"I think it's perfect, Bennie. I love it."

"I do too. I guess we have a name, then," Ben shut the book with a wide smile.

"What time did Beth say she wants us there tomorrow?" I asked.

"She said Mason is staying with Aiden overnight, and will be spending most of the day with him tomorrow, so we could come over any time to help her prepare for the surprise party," he told me.

"Party is an overstatement, love. It'll just be you, Beth, and I there. And Mason and Aiden, of course. You know how Mason is about big groups of people."

"Well, I'm still calling it a party, because it will be special even if it's just us. It's not everyday that our boy turns eighteen." Ben said. I grinned to myself. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

After switching the lights off, I placed a chaste kiss to Ben's lips and snuggled with him as we settled under the covers. 

"I love you, baby," I whispered to my mate.

"I love you too, Jax."

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