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I sat on my bedroom floor, staring at the large painting opposite me. I had it propped against my bedroom wall. Aiden and I went to the Ward home a few days before for answers, but only came up with more questions.

Why is my mom posed with the Alpha in this painting as if she's the Luna?

Are Jackson and Ben really mates?

What, or who, did Ben see that caused such a severe panic attack?

And why do I feel like it's all connected?

Jackson and my mom stared back at me from the frame. Their facial expressions so tortured, it's almost as if they were silently begging me to peel them from the canvas. 

I quickly pulled my phone out to send a text.

"Would you be up to hang out today?" I sent the text to Ben.

He was quick to reply.

"Of course! :)" his text read.

I quickly pocketed my phone, stuck the painting in the back of my closet, and ran downstairs. I only took time to grab my keys and jacket as I walked outside. I straddled my bike and quickly strapped my helmet on.

During the long drive to their home, my mind raced with thoughts of Ben and Jackson. I have to figure out some answers.

Finally pulling up in the driveway, I stood from the bike and removed my helmet. I made my trek up the driveway, the large white steps, and to the large front door. I rang the doorbell and Ben answered it moments later.

"Mason! It's always good to see you!" he greeted me with a smile and hugged me. I squeezed him gently in return and followed him as he began to walk back inside.

His belly was just beginning to show with a small bump, he had a small smear of flour on his chin, and he walked barefoot across the floor. I followed him into the kitchen to see he must have been baking. He had a large bowl full of cookie dough, and baked cookies cooling on cooling racks. The room smelled like brown sugar and cinnamon.

"I'm just baking some snickerdoodles for the kids," he told me. I nodded, understanding he meant the children at the orphanage.

We sat in comfortable silence as he rolled balls of dough in cinnamon sugar before placing them on parchment paper lined baking sheets.

I felt like I would burst from the inner urgency to pry him for answers.

"Did you know my father?"

Ben's hands abruptly stopped rolling the small ball of dough as my words reached his ears. He took a deep breath as he seemed to be thinking to himself.

"Your father?" he asked.

"Yeah. My mom's mate. He died when I was young. I just want to know more about what he was like," I knew the words I spoke weren't true. I had seen the proof for myself. I just wanted to see what his reaction would be to this. 

He was the only one not involved. His name wasn't on my birth certificate, and his face wasn't in the painting. 

He seemed slightly relieved at my follow up.

"Oh, your mom's mate. Umm...," he thought for a moment, "no, I didn't really know him. I'm sorry."

I simply nodded in response as he continued to roll the dough in the cinnamon sugar. His response was interesting. I think it showed that he knew something. Something that he didn't want to tell me. I wanted to push it. To make him sweat. But I couldn't do that to Ben. He's so... small, and fragile. He reminded me of Aiden.

I also don't want to be responsible for stressing him out in his pregnant state. He didn't need any stress. Especially after what happened the other day. I didn't dare ask him about it, though. For all he knew, I had no idea it happened. I was nowhere to be seen. 

Ben slid a tray of cookies in the oven and began to walk out of the kitchen, beckoning me to follow him. A short walk from the kitchen, Ben sat in the corner of a large sectional in a living room area. I sat on the sofa a few feet from him as he propped his feet up.

"Have you picked out any names?" I asked as he rubbed his small belly. He smiled.

"No, we haven't decided on anything yet. We know he is a boy, though. But it's only the third month, so there's no rush," he spoke softly. "He kicks like crazy when he hears Jackson talking," he added with a giggle.

I chuckled in response.

"I think we have a daddy's boy on our hands," he said while smiling down at his belly. We sat in comfortable silence while Ben seemed to rest his eyes for a moment. With his feet propped up, I noticed something I had never noticed before. Ben was always wearing socks or shoes, this was the first time I had seen him barefoot.

On his right foot, the big toe looked... different. It was almost as if the toenail just wasn't there? This perplexed me as I narrowed my eyes and tried to look closer without Ben noticing. Leaning forward slightly, I stared while Ben kept his eyes closed. It was just skin. A slight dimple where the nail bed would be, but that's it. I creased my eyebrows. I had never heard of Ben experiencing a foot injury before.

Beeping from the kitchen roused Ben from his relaxed state as he slowly stood from the sofa.

"Gotta go check on my cookies," he smiled at me before walking out of the room.

What the fuck is going on around here lately?

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