21-Baby Ward

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Preparing breakfast for my mate and I, my thoughts wandered.

It had been a couple months since Mason had figured out the truth. I should've known he would be smart enough to figure it out on his own.

However, he wasn't bitter about it. If anything, it brought us closer; and I enjoyed that closeness with my son.

I dropped the last waffle on the plate, and communicated to Ben with my thoughts.

"Breakfast is done, love."

I walked to the bottom of the stairway as Ben's light footsteps approached it and began to descend with a hand on his belly. Ben was now thirty-four weeks pregnant, and glowing beautifully. 

"Good morning, baby. And good morning, Maxie," I told them as I began to climb the steps to meet him in the middle.

Ben's light chuckle was interrupted when he stopped in his tracks. A grimace painted his face as he drew in a sudden, sharp breath. I quickened my footsteps and was at his side almost immediately.

"What is it, baby? Are you in pain?" I asked.

"Mmm... I think it's nothing," Ben assured me as he caught his breath and began to walk again. Seconds later, he clutched his stomach with a small yelp.

"Ben, I don't think it's nothing."

He gripped the stair railing with one white knuckled hand while he breathed deeply with his eyes closed.

"This can't be happening, it's too early. I'm only thirty-four weeks," his pained voice whispered.

"I know, baby. Let's just get you to the hospital, okay? I'll call Doctor Green and see if he's there," I told him as I guided him down the stairs slowly.

"Jackson, what if something's wrong?" he asked me quietly.

"Let's not think like that, okay? I'm sure everything's fine, let's just get going," I told him and he nodded in response, breathing heavily from the sudden pain. I gently lifted him in a bridal carry and walked outside to my car. Once I sat him in the car, I ran to the driver's side and jumped in. With lightning speed, I started the engine and began to reverse out of the driveway while I called Joseph through the display in the car.

I wouldn't tell Ben, but I was worried. He shouldn't be going into labor this early. Our little Max was so small on the scans that allowed us to view him. I couldn't bare it if something happened to him.

"Alpha?" Joseph's voice came over the speakers as he answered the call.

"Doctor. I think Ben's going into labor. We're headed to the hospital. Are you there?"

"Yes, I'm here. I'll prepare so we're ready for him," Joseph replied. I could barely pick up on the hint of concern in his tone that he worked hard to conceal and prayed Ben hadn't noticed. He seemed to focused on breathing through the pain to be paying attention to the phone call.

"Thank you," I replied, and ended the call. I could see Ben shaking in my peripheral vision.

"Hey, just try to keep breathing, baby. Joseph is waiting for us, he's going to take good care of you two," I told him softly as I rubbed his thigh while speeding through the streets.

Only a few minutes later, I threw the car in park in front of the hospital and bolted out of the car, slamming the door shut behind me. I opened the passenger door to find Ben, still clutching his stomach as tears brimmed his eyes. I placed my arms around him and carried him into the hospital.

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