Chapter 7| Club (part two)

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(TW sa, sexism)

Alex pov:

The whole car ride was silent, Ashley didn't say a word to me. I'm not entirely complaining because I wouldn't even know what we would talk about, and I was really worried she'd be mad that I asked to come with her to the bar. Maybe I shouldn't have asked to come with her. It was probably a bad idea.

When we got to the bar, Ashley drove around the side and parked her car in the VIP section. She must come here a lot. Not surprising. I looked out the window, and the place looked like it'd been around for the past 500 years. Sounds like something Ashley would be into.

I was waiting for Ashley to get out of the car, but she didn't get out straight away. Instead, she turned to me. God, she looked annoyed. But then again, she almost always looked annoyed. "My friends are going to ask you a lot of questions, ignore them, I'll answer their questions later. Don't do anything dumb. Don't disturb me, no matter what." Ashley said coldly. I almost forgot her icy tone. Whenever she spoke to me like that, I just wanted to die inside. I don't even know why it hurts so much it's not like she'd show me any kindness.

I nodded and gave her a small smile. Ashley took her keys out of the car. Once she grabbed her purse from the backseat, she got out of the car. I got out as well, I was always careful shutting her car doors. I'm not sure why, but I'm always worried the car will just break if I slam the door.

I followed her to the front entrance of the place. Why did I follow her everywhere, I never stood next to her, I was always behind her.

I'd been to a few clubs when I was a teenager. They were all alright, but I was never a fan of the music.

When we walked inside I noticed that, luckily, this place had very quiet music, I think that's because it's more of a bar than a club. I looked around. Most people were in their 20s, and there was the odd person in their 30s now and then, but mostly people my age. There were a few girls drunk and being ridiculous. The handful of guys flirting with girls at the bar. Groups of men crowded around the TV, watching the football. I think I saw a couple walk into the same bathroom, but I won't question that.

Ashley walked over to a red-leathered booth with two girls already sitting in, a brunette and a blonde. "Hey, girl." One of them said, the brunette one. She was wearing a tight dark grey dress that matched her eyes. The girl had nice dangling earrings. They were silver and stood out in her brown hair.

"Hey," Ashley said with a smile. So she was nice to some people. Damn, that meant she just hated me. Ashley moved into the booth, sitting down. I just sort of stood there in front of all of them, I was pretty sure Ashley wouldn't want me sitting down with them. The girls were giving me an odd look, trying to figure out who I was, Ashley rubbed her temples, "Guys, this is Alex... my husband." She sounded so disappointed when she said 'husband' I get this wasn't ideal, but she didn't always need to make me feel like a burden.

"Yep, that's me." I smiled. I don't think I've ever put on a faker smile. At least she admitted I was her husband and she didn't call me some arrangements. Although she probably already told them it was all fake and we don't love each other.

The blonde girl was narrowing her eyes at me. Suddenly, she turned to Ashley and put her hand on Ashley's arm. "Yeah, he is your type. I'm surprised you haven't banged yet." The blonde girl said, with no attempt to whisper it or anything. Ashley glared at the blonde girl and hit away her hand. "What?" The girl smirked.

Oh, so I'm Ashley's type? Good to know.

She's got me wondering what Ashley's type is. I was sure it wasn't me, but if that's what the girl was saying.

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