Chapter 13| Parents'

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Ashley pov:

I groan as I wake up. Ugh, my head. All I remember was kissing Alex, and then things got fuzzy. Goddamn. What the hell was I thinking? Kissing Alex was a mistake. And yet... I wouldn't be lying if I said I loved that kiss. It felt so right.

What am I doing in my office? Oh, right.

I quickly got up and walked back upstairs to my room. I checked the time. 3.57 am. I'm going back to bed. I practically fell into my bed, not bothering to pull the covers over me or change.

After a few more hours of sleeping, I woke up again. 7.32 am. I looked over to my side and saw Alex sleeping peacefully next to me. Aw, he looks so cute.

No, no, no! I need to stop thinking that. It's all purely platonic. He's just my husband, nothing more. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. It doesn't matter if I want to. It's not appropriate for me to have these thoughts. He's my husband, not my lover.

Dammit, I forgot my parents are coming for dinner, along with Alex's pathetic father. I hate that man; all he wants is my money. I just pray Alex isn't anything like him because I kinda like him.

I roll over and sit up in bed, staring down at Alex's sleeping face. He looks so peaceful now, but I know it'll be a different story when his father shows up. His father will probably steal something from my house, just anything he thinks is valuable, like a painting or jewellery.

God, now I need to tell the maids and Alessandro to keep an eye on the man.

I took a deep breath before standing up and walking over to my wardrobe. I need to wear something sensible.

Alex pov:

My eyes fluttered open, feeling the sun on my skin. I turned in the bed and saw Ashley looking through her wardrobe. My eyes widened when I saw her going to take her shirt off. I quickly cleared my throat before things went too far. "Um, hey."

Ashley stopped and turned to look at me. She looked exhausted. "Oh hey." She mumbled before looking away again.

This was awkward. Maybe I shouldn't have slept here after what happened. "I'll go," I whispered, scrambling to get out of bed.


"W-what...?" I looked over at her, confused.

"Did I stutter? I said stay." Ashley repeated her voice, becoming more demanding. I immediately got back in bed, and I swear that made her smile.

Ashley sighed and looked over at me. "I'm sorry for kissing you. We can just forget it happened."

I felt a wave of sadness washing over me. "Y-yeah... yeah, if that's what you want..." I whispered, looking down at the ground. This was the last thing I wanted to happen, but if that's what she wanted.

Ashley cleared her throat. "Yeah. I meant to tell you our parents are coming, in case you forgot." She said, looking back over at her wardrobe.

I looked down at the ground. "Oh, why?" I mumbled, my voice shaking at the thought of seeing my father.

"Turn around," Ashley ordered, grabbing her clothes. I did as she said, and once I had, she continued talking. "They want to see how we're getting along. I insisted against it, but your father didn't give up asking." While she was talking, I could hear her clothes falling off her body and hitting the floor, zips being undone and done up. I tried my best to focus on her words, but it was becoming difficult as I imagined how perfect she must look right now.

"Um.. yeah, that makes sense," I muttered, keeping my eyes locked on the ground in front of me.

"You can turn back around." I heard Ashley say. I turned around and saw her doing her makeup. "I need to get a few hours of work done before they come, which is at 7 pm."

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