Chapter 32| Food

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Alex pov:

My eyes fluttered open, and I quickly realised I was still on Ashley's thigh. I smiled, and she let me sleep on her. I glanced up and saw her perfectly still on her phone.

I smiled. She was warm. Her touch made me feel warm and special, like I was the only one she wanted and who mattered to her. She makes me treasure the simple moments. The moments when she just makes me feel happy and safe.

I didn't know what the time was, but I didn't care, I didn't want to move, I just wanted to stay lying on my wife. My beautiful, beautiful wife.

I love everything about her.

I can see she's making an effort for me. She's being nicer. She hasn't drunk in ages, and I'm grateful. She's nicer when sober.

"Hi," I whispered, with a growing smile as I admired her beauty.

She turned her phone off to give me her full attention. Ash looked down at me, threading her fingers through my hair. "Hey, baby." She whispered back.

We heard a small cute meow coming from outside our bedroom. I smiled, I love blueberry. Although I wish she had a sibling or something cause she's so lonely when I can't play with her.

I reluctantly got off Ashley and walked over to the door, letting Blueberry in the room who just ran to the bed and fell asleep almost immediately. My heart melts for that cat.

I walked over to Ashley and went to sit on her lap, but she stopped me. "I need to get ready for the day, Amore." She smiled, kissing my forehead as I pouted and sat down on the bed.

I watched as she went over to her wardrobe. Watching was a mistake. My breath hitched as I watched her take her clothes off. Fuck, she's gorgeous. She's gorgeous and she's my wife. I'm so lucky to have her.

Ashley glanced at me through a mirror and chuckled a little. "What are you smiling at?"

I hadn't realised how much I was smiling until she pointed it out and I had a look in the mirror. I was grinning like a fucking idiot. She had such a strong effect on me and I love every second of it.

She walked over to me, now fully dressed and kissed my forehead. "You're cute." I smiled at her compliment and looked up at her adoringly.

"What are we doing today?" I asked excitedly, I'm pretty sure she didn't have work today so I was hoping we could spend the day together.

Ashley thought for a moment before speaking. "I think we should cook." She finally settled on with a nod.

I frowned in confusion. "How's that gonna take all day?"

She leaned down closer and whispered in my ear. "Cause I'm gonna teach to how to cook." She answered and I could hear her grinning.

"No!" I whined, collapsing onto her. I didn't know how to cook, well I know some things obviously but whatever Ash was planning on making was almost certainly something I had no idea how to make.

I was really hoping she meant that she'd cook and I'd help her, doing what she told me to. Or even better we'd just order food.

Ashley chuckled and held me close. "Come on it won't be that bad. We're just gonna cook something sweet; macarons." She smiled, kissing my forehead and moving me onto my feet.

I leaned on her for support and wrapped my arms around her waist. I tried to pull her backwards, towards the bed, but once she figured out what I was doing she picked me up and carried me out of the room. "Come on you need to learn how to cook!" She groaned as I struggled and pouted.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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