Chapter 28| Blueberry

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Alex pov:

I woke up in Ash- our bedroom with my head resting on Ashley's lap. I blinked a few times before my mind went into panic mode. I started breathing heavier as the memories crashed into my brain. Fuck, I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore, like I didn't know how to.

Ashley looked down at me, quickly realising what was happening. She sat me up and pulled me onto her lap. "Hey, hey, it's okay. You're safe, nothing's going to happen to you again." She whispered as she put my head on her chest. I could hear her heartbeat; it was calm and at a steady pace. "Yeah, listen to that. It's okay." She whispered, gently caressing my head.

She kept whispering soothing words until I could breathe properly again. "Are you going to be okay?" Ashley whispered, kissing my forehead.

I nodded slowly and looked up at her. "Y-yeah... I'll be okay." I'm definitely going to have nightmares for weeks again, that was traumatic.

Ashley was about to respond when we heard scratching and meowing at the door. What the hell was that? I looked at the door before looking at Ashley, frowning in confusion. "Stupid mutt." She muttered with a sigh. She signalled for me to get off her lap, and I obeyed, moving to sit on the bed by myself. Ashley walked over to the door, opening it, and a small white kitten ran in.

Ashley was glaring at the kitten, annoyed, but to me, it was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. I quickly got up and walked over to it, although that was hard since it had so much energy and kept moving. I sat down on the floor, next to where the kitten was mostly running around. The kitten jumped onto my lap and pushed its face against my hand, making me smile at how adorable it was. It had these beautiful deep blue eyes, and I wanted to keep it forever.

"I... I got you a cat... I called him Blueberry..." Ashley hesitantly said, walking over and sitting down next to me.

I gasped and smiled. "I love him." My hand instinctively went over hers.

"He's probably affectionate because I haven't fed him in a while." Ashley sighed, pulling me closer to her by the waist.

What...? She hasn't fed him? Oh my god, doesn't she know how to take care of things?

"...wh... when did you last feed him?" I asked suspiciously, slowly looking up at her with a face of worry.

She planted a soft kiss on my forehead and mumbled. "Like two hours ago?" I sighed in relief; that's not bad. At least it wasn't two days ago.

Ashley handed me something, and when I looked down, I saw she had placed a phone in my hand. I looked up at her, confused because I already had a phone.

She looked at me with a slightly guilty look on her face. "I... I threw your phone out a window..." she whispered. I just looked at her in utter disbelief. Ashley threw my phone out of a window... okay then. I slowly turned back around, deciding that I'd rather focus on Blueberry.

I was stroking Blueberry gently under the chin with a finger while Ashley began playing with my hair.

After some time had passed, I decided to speak to her about something that'd been bothering me for days-literally. "I got really hurt when you got drunk," I whispered after a while of preparation so I wouldn't stutter.

I felt Ashley stop playing with my hair, and she turned me around, taking me off her lap so she could look me in the eye as we spoke. She nodded and sighed. "I know you did. I'm really sorry, Amore." She whispered sincerely as she looked into my eyes. I could tell she knew I didn't fully forgive her or trust that she wouldn't do it again.

I started fidgeting by picking at my fingers with my nails, she covered my hands with her own to stop me. Taking a deep breath, I mumbled out what I thought was best. "I... um. If it happens again... then I want... want t-to leave." I whispered, looking down. Ashley didn't say anything, but I saw her nod. "Are you mad at me?" I mumbled, looking up at her.

She shook her head. "No. It's a smart decision for you to make. But I swear to you, it'll never, ever happen again." She whispered, caressing the back of my hand.

"But... but I do love you," I said quickly. I was worried that there was a chance that she might still be mad at me.

Ashley chuckled and kissed my forehead. "I promise to never touch another drop of alcohol again. Also, I'm not mad at you. And I love you too." She mumbled, settling all my current nerves and worries.

I think I made the smart decision. Obviously, I don't want to leave Ashley; I really, really like her, and I've told her I love her, which I do. But she did scare me a lot and hurt my feelings when she got drunk, so giving her one more chance feels right. Also, I think that if she did ever get that drunk again, she'd make me leave her for my own safety, because that seems like something she would do.

I smiled softly and looked up at her before lifting Blueberry and shoving him in Ashley's face. She made a sour expression and moved her head backward. "That's yours. Your problem. Don't have it anywhere near me." Ash said sternly, glaring at Blueberry. I don't get why she hates animals so much, especially Blueberry, he was so cute and adorable. I just wanted to put him in my pocket and bring him everywhere with me.

I really hope Ashley sticks to her promise since I don't want to feel like I did that day ever again, and seeing her that drunk and so out of control scared me more. I liked it when Ashley was in control of me, and if she couldn't be in control of herself, then I'd be lost.

Okay yes ik it's been a little while and this one is short but next one is longer and spicy and I swear not to rush it

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Okay yes ik it's been a little while and this one is short but next one is longer and spicy and I swear not to rush it

Word count: 1064

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