Chapter 14| Talk

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Ashley pov:

Once my parents had left, I turned to Alex who was making his way back to his room. Not mine.

I quickly ran after him. "Amore, wait. I need to talk to you." But Alex didn't stop and kept walking. I grabbed his wrist, careful not to be aggressive. "Don't ignore me." I scolded.

He turned to face me, he had tears in his eyes. Aw, my poor baby. I sighed. "Follow me."

I intertwined our fingers and dragged him upstairs to my room.

When we walked inside I locked the door behind us. I didn't want to be disturbed.

I walked over to my bed and sat down but Alex sat on the floor next to it. "Okay. We'll sit on the floor." I mumbled, sliding off the bed and onto the floor next to him.

He was hugging his knees and looking away from me, it broke my heart to see him like this. "Hey, Amore, look at me," I whispered, moving my hand onto his head and gently stroking his hair.

After some hesitation, Alex looked over at me, he was on the verge of crying. "I want to talk about the conversation you had with your father," I said softly. I now knew he wasn't a gold digger but I just needed extra confirmation.

Alex sniffed. "How... how much did you hear?" He stuttered, looking up at me with big watering eyes.

I cleared my throat. "I heard your father asking you for my bank details then I heard you decline and say you wouldn't steal from me." I sighed before continuing. "I also... I heard him slap you. And your cheek is red so I'm assuming that's what happened?" I whispered, cupping and caressing his cheek.

Alex leaned into my touch and nodded slowly. "I'm sorry..." He mumbled, closing his eyes.

"Amore, you have nothing to be sorry for," I replied gently. He looked so sad and innocent right now. "And it's good to know that you're not a gold digger." I smiled softly.

He slowly opened his eyes, and tears were starting to fall down his face. "I-I'd never take money from.. from you..." He stuttered, looking away.

"I know that, I know. I'm sorry that I thought you might." I whispered, frantic to apologise.

Alex looked up at me, tears were now streaming down his face. "Can I... C-can I... never mind." He started before looking away.

"No, tell me." I insisted, making him look at me again.

"Can I have a hug?"

I smiled. "Of course, baby, you don't even need to ask," I whispered, opening my arms for him.

He was quick to move closer into my arms and I was just as quick to wrap my arms around him. I wanted him as close as possible. He turned his head so he was resting on my chest. I stroked his hair while he began to sob. "Shhh, it's okay," I whispered. "He won't come near you again." I desperately wanted to make him feel better, I'd do anything just for him to feel okay.

Alex was clinging to my waist like his life depended on it. He moved his hands to pull himself closer and ended up touching my skin, he immediately took his hands off. "I-I'm sorry." He mumbled quickly, looking away as he tried to control his sobs. He quickly covered his face with his hands, trying anything to muffle his sobbing.

I smiled softly. "Hey, look at me." I gently grabbed his wrists, taking his hands away from his face, and waited for him to look at me. Once he had turned his head to look at me I whispered to him. "It's okay, you can touch me. I won't kill you." I slowly guided his hands to my waist again.

As soon as he knew I wouldn't be angry at him, he immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and clung to me like a small child. He buried his head in my chest again and I stroked his hair again. "It's okay, let it out," I whispered, causing him to begin crying uncontrollably into my chest.

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