Chapter 16| Jealousy

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Alex pov:

I waited and waited and waited until 1.00 am but Ashley didn't come back into the room. And I didn't want to make her even angrier at me so I didn't go look for her.

I couldn't believe she left me and didn't come upstairs, I mean she didn't directly say she'd come upstairs but it was implied. Right? Right. So I've done as she asked and hopefully won't be in too much trouble.

I checked the time again. 1.02 am. Shit, I should go to bed.

I quickly changed into my pj's and went into the bathroom to clean my teeth. A couple minutes later and I was in bed. Although I couldn't sleep, I was getting increasingly restless the longer the night went on. "Where's Ashley...?" I whined quietly to myself. I missed her and I needed her presence to fall asleep, even when she wasn't there when I fell asleep I knew she'd come to bed in a few hours.

I turned over and grabbed her pillow, clinging onto it like how I cling to Ashley. Since when did I become so dependent on someone that I need them to do something so simple as fall asleep!?

"Hmph." I pouted, hiding my face in the pillow. I felt pathetic but I just wanted to hug something. I want that something to be Ashley but she's not here.

It took about an hour for me to finally fall asleep purely from exhaustion.

-----time skip-----

I groaned as I woke up. I hated waking up, it was the worst. I turned in the bed and saw a small note on Ashley's side of the bed. I shuffled closer and picked up the note. She wrote in cursive something I could barely read.

"I have a company event happening at home today, you are required to attend."

I groaned and threw the note on the floor. I considered not going because I was mad at her but that'd probably be a bad idea in the long run. Also the 'event' was at home so there wasn't really anywhere I could go.

With another groan, I rolled out of bed, close to falling on the floor. I stumbled over to my wardrobe which Ashley had moved into her room. I rubbed my eyes as I looked for something to wear.

I grabbed some trousers, a white button-up shirt, and a grey jumper. "Where's that bloody-" I mumbled to myself before finding my belt.

After getting dressed, I took a couple of minutes to look in the mirror, adjusting everything to look just how I wanted it to.

I opened my bedside drawer, taking out a few necklaces and a couple of rings that went well with the outfit. I don't own much jewellery, mostly because my father said it wasn't 'masculine', but I like wearing it.

I went downstairs to get myself a bite to eat. Ashley wasn't there, typical. I had a look through the cupboards, finding a few packets of noodles. I smiled before hunting down the pans. I hummed to myself as I cooked.

I was putting the noodles into a bowl when Adelina walked into the kitchen. "Hey, Alex. What did you make?" She asked with a smile, walking over to me. I showed her my bowl of noodles and she chuckled. "I could've made your food you know, it is my job."

I shrugged. "I like making food, and I didn't want to bother you."

Adelina smiled. "You really are a sweetheart, like Miss says."

This caught my attention. My head snapped up. "She talks about me?" I asked before Adelina could even finish her sentence properly.

Adelina chuckled again. "When she's drunk, yes. Other than that she doesn't talk to anyone about anything."

"Huh..." I smiled and looked down at the floor.

"Anyway, I need to go help get ready for the event later. I'll see you then." Adelina said and before I could reply she'd disappeared.

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