Chapter 20| Books

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Alex pov:

I woke up to the sound of my vibrating phone. I was in Ashley's bed, groaning as I opened my eyes. I lifted my head to look around, and I saw Ashley wasn't there. I sighed, I'm pretty used to Ashley not being there when I wake up. I don't know what she does, but she's just in her office most days, I think occasionally she leaves the house for work, but I have no clue where she goes.

My phone vibrated again. Mumbling nonsense, I rolled over and tried to feel for my phone. It took a second, and I think I knocked something off the bedside table, but I managed to grab my phone. Holding it to my face, I read the message.

Blaire: Morning darling.

I scrunched up my nose at the name 'darling', it's not like it's a bad pet name it's just that I'd only like it if Ashley was the one saying it. It just felt weird that someone else was calling me by such a name.

I unlocked my phone and replied.

Me: Morning

I turned my phone off, but it immediately buzzed again. God, it was like she was waiting for my texts.

Blaire: Hey, where are you now?

Me: Mine and Ashley's room.

Blaire: So you share a room now? I thought you guys went like that.

Me: Like what?

But she went offline again, I could see that she'd read my texts, but I just hadn't replied. I groaned in annoyance and turned my phone off, putting it away in my drawer.

I took a few minutes to collect my thoughts and get mentally ready to just exist through another day.

I pushed myself out of bed, heading for my wardrobe. I picked out something simple and casual.

After getting dressed, I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I'm getting so good at finding my way through this house, I only went the wrong way twice this time. So I'm improving.

I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. There was a note in the centre of the table that was next to a small black card, Ashley's card. I reached for the note, like usual the note was written in cursive, making it so much more difficult to read, it reads.

"Go to the library and be home before dark. Text me if there are any problems."

I smiled when I saw the note was signed 'Ash', I think it's a cute nickname and it suits her.

Come to think of it, I do need new books. I only really have one or two, and I've already read them about 3 or 4 times each. I've got quite the list of books that I need. I reached to grab my phone to have a look at the list that I made, there were about 50 books on that list. After having a look at the books I wanted, I picked out 5 that I wanted the most because I didn't want to spend too much of Ashley's money in fear that she might get mad at me

I frowned as I thought about going to the library alone I mean sure Alessandro would come with me but I don't want him seeing the books I'm into and I want to spend time with Ashley

I didn't want to disturb her but I really wanted Ashley to come with me

I took a few minutes to consider my choices before going onto her contact and texting her.

Me: Hey, can't you come with me? I want to spend the day with you.

I turned my phone off and got up to go prepare some breakfast. To my surprise, I found some breakfast next to the stove with the word 'Alex's' next to it. I assume Adelina did this because it is her job and all. I need to remember to thank her when I see her next

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