⚡2.The Memories That Stay⚡

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

Running. It always things easier for the fastest man alive, sometimes he would just run to feel the wind brush against him or to just clear his head; but running wasn't always the answer

He liked to take certain things slow like this certain day, it was a day that reminded him just how much he had loss..granted he could've just ran here and arrived in seconds but not today not on this day because he was going to take it slow

Barry sits in the back of a taxi with two bouquets of flowers as he looks down at them remembering that they were some very special people; the same people who raised him to be the man that he was today

He lays his right hand against the bouquet of flowers with his mind thinking back to a certain memory but he takes a deep breath and focuses back on the present and takes his right hand as he looks forward

The taxi slows down and parks near the front gate of the cemetery as Barry grabs the bouquets of flowers and steps out of the back seat but not before paying the driver and walking into the cemetery; Barry just glances around seeing some people in...

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The taxi slows down and parks near the front gate of the cemetery as Barry grabs the bouquets of flowers and steps out of the back seat but not before paying the driver and walking into the cemetery; Barry just glances around seeing some people in here as well for they to knew what it meant to lose someone they deeply cared for

And how much it truly hurt even after that person was gone from your life, Barry finally makes it to where he was heading to as he looks down at the two tombstones with his parents names engraved into them

He could still remember every single detail of that day and what he did to the man responsible for killing his father and more importantly how he took his life with any remorse whatsoever

(Flashback/4 Years Ago)

Orange and blue lightning flew through the air as the Flash tackled into Zoom sending them both crashing through a brick wall as the two speedsters slowly stood back up, their suits torn for the most part as the Flash clenched his fists and jumped up into the air as the fastest man alive hit Zoom with everything that he had

A massive explosion of orange lightning shook the abandoned warehouse as we see Zoom laying on the ground; his face all bloodied up from their fight that to normal people would've been mere seconds but to them sheer hours

The Flash kicked Zoom across his face forcing him to look up at the speedster who had bested him; but instead of looking angry or disappointed in his utter defeat, Zoom began to laugh and laugh hysterically as he tore off whatever remained his cowl and tossed it aside

Zoom:You're a hero, Barry. You couldn't kill me then..you won't kill me now..

Zoom was immediately grabbed by his throat and lifted up into the air but still remained confident that Barry didn't have the guts to go through with it but when Zoom finally did look into the heroes eyes..he could see something had changed

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