⚡6.This Is How Things Are⚡

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

It hadn't been that long since the attempted prison riot at ARGUS and things had been taken care; so the Flash and Power Girl had taken the unconscious E1 Barry to a holding cell in a remote location to try to convince the man to just calm down before he got more then a nice nap

Power Girl:Do you think he'll listen to you this time?

Flash without his mask on hummed to himself as he gave a 'so-so' hand gesture towards his girlfriend

"Just because he is me from a different universe doesn't mean he knows what ive been through.."

Power Girl nodded her head agreeing with him on that part, they were the same person but had completely different lives and had both gone through different things; given how young E1 Barry was

She could only assume that he was in his early twenties and was most likely on his second year as the Flash as for her Barry; he had been at this for six whole years so he clearly had the power and experience to take down his doppelganger down

Power Girl:He mentioned that he was friends with another Kara..do you think that he'll stay with Iris?

Barry crossed his arms and glanced at his unconscious doppelganger; he didn't want to know about any version of Iris given his history with her and what she did to him but if he had to momentarily place himself in E1 Barry's shoes to see the possibility of that happening

"Maybe. I can't exactly tell him who to be with, Kara. But why are you asking me this..?"

Kara looked down at the ground as she nervously rubbed her shoulders as Barry called out to her in a soft tone that he only used for her

"Kara. Hey, look at me.."

Kara looks up at her boyfriend as he lays his hand on her chin, that's when the dots connected for him; she wasn't asking out of jealousy but fear..the fear that maybe they weren't meant to be together

"I'm not him. I could honestly care less who I am with in other universes, the only person I want to be with is you.."

Barry pulls her into a tight hug as Kara feels the warmth of his words touch her heart; five years they have been together and she honestly couldn't see herself with anyone else but Barry

"Besides any version of me would be seriously lucky to be with any version of you.."

She softly giggled at his words but deep down she felt like he had a good point; a groan could be heard as they both parted from the hug only to see E1 Barry was starting to wake up from being knocked out

"Let me handle this.."

Kara didn't protest against it as she leaned up and kissed Barry on the cheek before walking off as Barry pulled up a chair and placed it in front of the holding cell as he sat down and patiently waited for his doppelganger to fully wake up

E1 Barry:Ugh, my head...

The memories of what happened back at the prison facility came rushing back to E1 Barry and he immediately gets up from the ground as he finds himself inside of a cell with his doppelganger sitting across from him with glass dividing them

"This cell was meant to contain me if I ever went rogue or was mind controlled, it created by a certain paranoid friend of mine.."

When he killed Zoom, Bruce had tried to contain him in this very cell but Barry had got significantly stronger than the average speedster maybe if he still had orange lightning then it would've definitely worked

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