⚡3.Not The Craziest Thing⚡

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

[Shout-out to Allen901 for being an all around amazing person and giving me the inspiration to create this chapter]

(Flashback/5 Years Ago)

Being the fastest man alive had it's perks, it truly did but being a superhero meant that you'd always have somewhere to be whether it was a cat stuck up a tree or saving people from a burning building

But lately Barry really had been trying to get more home much earlier but of course a superhero has priorities and unfortunately someone didn't quite understand what that meant as he walked into his apartment where he saw his girlfriend; Iris West standing there with her arms crossed

It didn't take a genius to know that she wasn't actually happy to see him late again, Barry could see that she had made dinner and by the looks of it. The food was now cold and probably going to have to be microwaved

 The food was now cold and probably going to have to be microwaved

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(Played By:Zoe Kravitz)

Iris:You're late..again

Barry could already hear her disappointment in him but dating a superhero meant that he wasn't always going to be able to spend time with her and he thought that she would understand

Iris:You said you'd be back three hours ago, Barry. I was really hoping this time would be different..but I guess I should've known better than that by now

Barry sighs as he rubs his eyes and replies back to Iris knowing that it isn't fair for her to say something such as this

"That's not fair, Iris. And you know it, im a superhero..I go where people need me. I've been trying to spend more time with you.."

Barry just watches Iris scoff and roll her eyes at him as she turns her back on him but he immediately appears in front of her having not finished what he was saying

"You knew that when we started dating..there'd have to be some sacrifices in this relationship. This is one of them.."

But Iris only puts her hands on her hips and points at him with her finger mere inches away from his face

Iris:Sacrifices? When have you ever sacrificed anything for me? For this relationship..? All you do is run day and night. What about me, Barry? Am I not important to you all of a sudden?

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