⚡4.Odd Interactions⚡

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

[Just for some clarification, since there are two Barry's. One will be referred to as E1 Barry and the other will be just Barry]

It was a strange thing having your doppelganger follow you around like a lost puppy, the way he'd look at every detail and constantly ask questions about everything was starting to get annoying honestly but Barry just went along with it

Barry and E1 Barry finally made it to where to their destination as E1 Barry looked around completely in awe at the luxurious and well sculpted waiting area; the elevators looked ordinary but everything else looked years ahead of what he was used to seeing back on his Earth

E1 Barry:Do you also have a Team Flash to help you out?

Barry stopped walking and turned around to face his Earth 1 doppelganger and gave him the most confused look he had ever given anyone

"Why the hell would I need a team? I'm a speedster, that's the whole point of super speed. So you can do things faster than the average person"

He never understood why that was a thing obviously the only exception of having a team would be if you were Batman; the gloomy man had an entire family to help him protect Gotham which was understandable given how much crime was there and not even Batman could be everywhere at once

But now that he really thought about it; just how many differences were there between himself and the doppelganger from another universe, Barry just sighs as he gestures for E1 Barry to follow him as they both walk up to the front desk

Receptionist:Ah, Mr Allen! It's wonderful to see you again. Are you here to see, Ms Starr?

Barry only nodded his head 'yes' as the receptionist reached below the counter and pulled out a guest pass and handed it to him; meanwhile E1 Barry just looked confused not really knowing who they were about to see

Receptionist:Oh? And is this a friend of yours, Mr Allen?

Barry turned his head back to briefly look at his doppelganger and then turned again to face the receptionist

"You could say that.."

She smiled at Barry and grabbed another pass as she gave it to E1 Barry, who just awkwardly smiled back and took it

Not wanting to waste anymore time, Barry just walked ahead and made it to the elevator with E1 Barry slipping through the almost closed doors


Kara had gotten used to attending the board meetings and while they discussed about the future of her company and where it would be next, she found herself just staring out the window. It had taken her three whole years to start from nothing and build one of the most well known industries in the entire world

She was living a very luxurious life, she had everything from fame to money. But she did enjoy the simple things in her life such as living with her boyfriend, she honestly didn't mind that they lived in a apartment maybe it was the farm life speaking to her but regardless she loved it

It was actually because of Barry constantly pushing her to be her best self that she was here today listening to this board meeting; she knew for an absolute fact that she was head over heels with that man; it was thanks to her cousin that they met and immediately hit it off with each other

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