⚡5.We Are Not The Same⚡

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

The alarms blared loudly throughout the ARGUS facility as the security guards fought off who they could to prevent the metahumans from escaping; but unfortunately for them their numbers weren't enough for metahumans to stop their ongoing outbreak

Security Guard#1:We need backup! I repeat we need immediate ba--

A fireball struck the man in the back as it set him on fire causing him to scream out in excruciating pain until he fell to the ground; the doors slowly began to get forced open due to the metahumans who had super strength on their side

Prisoner#1:Ha! At this rate we'll all be out in no time and not even the Fl--

Before he could even finish that sentence his neck was snapped by a grey blur of lightning; all of the metahuman prisoners stopped what they were doing as there the Flash stood cladded in his suit, his eyes scanned the room waiting for any of them to make a move against him

The roof to the facility breaks as Power Girl lands next to the Flash with her hands on her hips; it didn't take a genius to know that all of the confidence that these metahuman prisoners once had was evaporated into thin air

They were all aware that the Flash and Power Girl had absolutely no problem killing them where they stood especially the Flash, the man who once just locked them away had turned a new dangerous lead and it was terrifying

See if you were to go to Gotham and fight Batman then you'd lose and sure you'd have some broken bones but he wouldn't kill you but the Flash on the other hand; he could kill you a thousand different ways before your next thought popped up

"What did you think would happen? You'd crawl out of your cells and just get out?"

Power Girl slowly began to give up into the air as her eyes started to glow red as the Flash; the electricity in his body crackled all throughout his body as the metahuman prisoners all began to panic

"I made the mistake of letting you all live last time..I won't make that mistake again"

And what followed was the sound of gut wrenching screams and cries of agonizing pain; the speedster and kryptonian mercilessly began to rip and tear these criminals apart, their blood covered the walls and floors of this facility

While the majority of them tried to flee for their lives hoping to get away from the ongoing massacre; their efforts prove to be futile as they all met their painful end by the speedster and kryptonian


E1 Barry phases through the walls of the facility as he can't help but hear someone crying out for help, he follows the source of the voice as he manages to make it there just in time to see the Flash cut a prisoner in half along with Power Girl tossing another body to the pile of bodies

E1 Barry:W--What are you doing?! You can't just kill him!

The Flash and Power Girl both turn to see that despite being told to stay back, E1 Barry had followed them and was now disgusted by the bodies laying around him

"I told you to stay put. You need to leave right now, I don't want--"

But E1 Barry cuts off his doppelganger and runs in and punches the Flash in the chest but the speedster of Earth 4 doesn't even stagger back from the hit; in fact he didn't even feel it at all

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