⚡️7.Lending A Hand⚡️

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

Power Girl:Yes, for the last time. I am you from another universe! What aren't you understanding?

Power Girl wasn't one to get agitated so easily but her doppelganger was having a hard time processing the information; Supergirl was still in disbelief just looking at well..herself, Supergirl could see some key differences between them and it wasn't just Power Girl's age but the way she was...dressed

Power Girl:I need to find a way to get a hold of him. He's probably looking for me..

Power Girl touches her wrist as a futuristic holographic screen pops up as she starts to swipe and type away at it; courtesy of her boyfriend in case of situations like these

Supergirl:Okay, that's cool..

The Girl of Steel reached out to try and touch it but her hand was slapped away by the Maiden of Might as she winced from the pain; Power Girl rolled her eyes at her doppelganger's childish behavior

Supergirl:Wait, wait. You said he's probably looking for you..who is 'he'?

Power Girl stopped what she was doing as she sighed and pulled up a picture of herself and her boyfriend hugging her from behind and smiling as Supergirl's eyes widen seeing the man

Power Girl:That's my boyfriend, the guy who is looking for me. You may know him or maybe you haven't yet..

Supergirl was still stunned at a version of herself was with that guy, he was seriously tall and ripped to the bone; though she thought back to what Power Girl had said

Supergirl:I had someone who was also from another Earth. He left not that long ago actually..he's a great guy actually..we got along so well..

Power Girl could hear some sadness coming from Supergirl's voice as she stopped what she was doing and turned to her remembering how E1 Barry mentioned that he met another Kara

Power Girl:That someone wouldn't happen to be Barry Allen, right?

Supergirl turned so quickly that the ground they stood on almost shook as she started to connect the dots of that man in the picture; it looked nothing like the Barry she met not that long ago which could mean that it was the Barry Allen from Power Girl's universe

Power Girl:I'll take that a 'yes'. We had some differences but he's fine..mostly. My boyfriend is--he's the best..but that's not what's important right now

The Maiden of Might says turning her attention back to the holographic screen as she types away sending her location to him as she patiently waits and not even ten seconds later; a breach opens out of nowhere as Barry steps through it as Power Girl smiles seeing her boyfriend

"Knew I'd find you.."

Supergirl was left utterly speechless as she could only look at a version of Barry she had never seen before; the man's aura enough was alone to make her tremble as she took a step back, Barry turns to see this version of Kara just staring at him as he hums and looks out the window seeing the people of National City marching down the streets in unison

"Myriad. Great..just great"

He was soon joined by Power Girl as she could see the same thing happening as it once did when she first became Supergirl; the Maiden of Might looked at her doppelganger

Power Girl:I'm going to assume that Non and Indigo are the ones behind all of this, right?

Supergirl looked away from Barry and nodded her head 'yes' agreeing with what Power Girl just said as she pulled up what they looked like was a bit surprised to see that Indigo looked like her back when she in her mid twenties

"Right. That's not awkward at all.."

Barry said while leaning to get a better look at the people they were about to face off against as grey lightning circled around his body giving him his costume; he stretched his arms and legs to get ready to run

Supergirl:Wait, wait. You two aren't going to fight by yourselves are you? They have all of National City under their control, what if Myriad gets to you to?

Both of them touch the side of their faces as a small pulse of blue energy emits from them; miniature ion blockers that prevented Myriad from taking them over like the others

Power Girl:We've been through this before so we know what to do, if you want to help then go for it. Just know we do things..differently than you

And with those final words both the fastest man alive and the Maiden of Might took off to head to Fort Knox which was where Myriad was being broadcasted from as Supergirl flew after them; to see just how they operated


His victory was at hand, everything that they had sacrificed was not going to be in vain as Non looked upon Myriad and all of the people it controlled including Kal-El; the last son of Krypton was under his control

Non:First National City then the world..

Non declared with absolutely certainty knowing that not even Kara Zor-El could stop them now as the walls to Fort Knox burst open; Non and Indigo both spin around to see who dares trespass alas Indigo is quickly decapitated by a grey blur as Non is struck in the chest by heat vision which sends him flying back

Non:I did not think you'd be foolish enough to try and attack me, Kara Zor-El. But I was proven wrong, come and meet your end--

A hand suddenly wrapped around Non's throat as he was lifted into the air by Power Girl; Non did not know who this woman was as he squirmed to get free from her grasp

Non:Who do you think you are!? Unhand me at once woman!

His eyes began to glow as Non was about to use his heat vision on Power Girl alas for him with a simple flick of her wrist, she snapped his neck and tossed his now lifeless body aside; she walks over to the control panel and types away

Power Girl:Not again..not ever again..

She understood what she had just done and while it didn't bring her any comfort, she knew it had to be done given what she went through when Non activated Myriad on her Earth as she disabled Myriad once and for all

"She's going to be here soon, she might have the same reaction as Barry did"

Power Girl sighed seeing that Supergirl could potentially do that but she held out hope that she'd understand why this needed to be done; they both shared a look as Power Girl flew out of Fort Knox as we see her flying farther and farther away from the spaceship prison

That is when we see Supergirl just up ahead as Power Girl meets her in the middle and stops her from going any further as the Girl of Steel began to ask

Supergirl:What happened? Did you stop Myriad? Where are Non and Indigo?

And right on queue a massive explosion of grey lightning went off in the distance completely obliterating Fort Knox in the process; Power Girl laid her hand on Supergirl's shoulder and calmly told her

Power Girl:We should head back down and I'll tell you..

Supergirl wanted to ask more questions but she reluctantly flew back down as Power Girl took a deep breath and rubbed her eyes

Power Girl:Just know that what we did..it was necessary, he didn't understand but hopefully you can..

A grey blur comes to a halt as the Flash stands next to Power Girl as he puts his hand on her shoulder and decides to be the one to tell Supergirl

"Non and Indigo are no longer an issue. Because we..killed them"

Supergirl took a step back as her mind and heart began to race with so many thoughts and emotions as the Girl of Steel clenched her fists; Power Girl stood ready as Flash backed away knowing this wasn't his fight as Supergirl rocketed towards Power Girl with anger in her eyes

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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