⌗ gaming.

21 0 0

“ I'm almost home. ”

🖇️: modern au!

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the moonlight illuminated your face, an obvious upset expression plastered on your face as you look at your watch. " where is he? " you complained, feeling fatigued as you stood outside of your apartment.

the sudden vibration in your pocket made you regain focus, picking up the call. " hello? " you greeted, the person greeting you back with heavy breaths. " are you o- "

" baby, sorry for taking so long. I'm almost home, I brought dim sum! " he chuckled afterwards, sounding like he was doing lots of running around. " hurry.. stay safe. " you whispered, despite your disappointment, you knew well enough not to be mad at him. " call me if you need anything else, okay? I love you! " with that, he ended the call.

with your bag outside with you, people would definitely mistake you as someone kicked out of their own house.

since you worked a night shift, you had always gone home late — meaning to say that you have a spare key as your boyfriend, gaming, would come home much more earlier. these were one of these days that you had unexpectedly forgot your keys, which so happens to also be a busy day for your boyfriend. 

 " baby? oh.." gaming rushed to your side, hugging you immediately as he saw your state. " I'm sorry for taking so long.. " he patted your head as you recieved the hug gratefully. 

“ sorry, sorry. let's head inside? you must be freezing. ” he apologized, quickly opening the door with his key. “ no, no, don't apologize. it's my fault that I forgot my own keys. ” you gave him a sweet smile.

though the two of you were often fatigued and restless from work, nothing really stopped you both from being at each other's comfort, and nothing could change that.

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