⌗ sethos.

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“ race. ”

📢: may be a bit ooc, taking what's there on cyno's second story quest!

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amidst the crowds of the green-colored city, you often sought the truth about the desert. so today, you made it a decision to go out there and explore the vast sand-filled place.


“ sorry, but this place isn't for you, kid. ” a guy with a red scarf scowled, getting ready for a fight. “ please.. please spare me. ” you fell down on your knees, the fear seep right now, in this moment, all you wished for was to get back at the comfort of the city.

“ spare you? we'll see how'd that go. ” the guy then lunged at you, weapon in hand. you were scared, you really were. but you wished for some miracle to happen, at least this once.

for some context, you were very unlucky. from the moment you were born, from the moment you step foot on this world, somehow, life didn't really want you to have fun. so at this moment, you prayed to celestia, giving every ounce of hope to the ones above.

you prepared for the guy to hurt you, squeezing your eyes shut as you waited for the impact of the weapon, for the blade to make contact with your skin, but it never came.

you slowly opened your eyes, somehow being met with radiant green eyes staring at you. “ it's okay now, you don't need to worry anymore. ” he smiled brightly, placing a hand on your head.

he stood up, offering a hand for you to take. you hesitantly placed your hand on his, as he swiftly placed you back on your feet. “ thank you for saving me, um..? ” you asked for his name.

“ sethos. nice to meet you! ” he cheerfully smiled, to which you returned, introducing yourself in the process. “ um, may I ask what happened to the mercenaries? ” you asked sethos, hoping for an answer only he could answer.

“ though I appreciate your concern, they're in safe hands. ” his smile remained on his face as he then turned around, getting ready to leave. “ sethos, wait! ” he turned his head around once again, a curious expression plastered on his face as he hummed in reply.

“ what could I do to repay you? uh, I have mora with me, if you're in need.. or anything! I'll do my best to provide, really! ” you expressed. the male teasingly smiled at your remark, slowly walking towards you.

he eventually neared where you were, leaning a little too close to your face. “ anything? ” he asked once more. “ anything. ” you repeated, paying no mind to your flushed face at your proximity.

he laughed, standing up straight as he then gently gave a pat on your head. “ I unfortunately don't have anything I need nor want right now, so I do hope your offer still stands in the near future. ” you nodded at his words as he also did the same. “ I'll take you back to the city as a small thank you. no buts. ”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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