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[WARNING: CONTAINS THE TOPIC 'SEXISM'  (not encouraging or making this behavior look cool (cause its fucking not))
More specifically: Having trauma of being told "men shouldn't cry"]

Scott sat on their mattresses, and so did Wallace but he had a blanket wrapped around him. Scott was in worse condition than him, but he insisted on taking care of Wallace since he had dragged him into that mess in the first place. They both stayed silent for a minute, trying to think of something to start. Scott had made several noises, about to start a sentence before retaliating and not saying anything at all. It was awkward but Wallace didn't care, he wanted to go to bed. After a few minutes of silence, Wallace started up a conversation.

"How did you even get stuck in there?" Wallace asked. Scott sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Well, I was at the park near our house, thinking about... Ramona..." Scott said in shame. "I looked to my left and saw the door, so I went in it. Something in my gut told me to try to go in the barrier and I actually got in," he chuckled. "But I was soon disappointed to see it was just a void, that's when it appeared. I had no idea what it was so my first instinct was to run and call someone. I immediately called you because you're the only one left who cares about me that much to bail me out of a subspace highway," Scott smiled, looking at Wallace.

Wallace beamed back, happy that Scott valued him. It made him feel safe. Scott never failed to do that, but those smiles soon faded when Wallace was going to ask a sensitive question, one he might have known the answer to but wanted to know the truth of it. "Why did you go into it?" Wallace questioned. Scott still stared at him, not understanding. "I know you said you went through the door, but why did you? It was obvious you were in a sad state, and something about the door made you go in it... didn't it?" Wallace asked softly. Scott stayed silent, not answering the question.

He looked like shit. He had slight eye bags and was still breathing hard from running so far. None of them were used to any of this. Everything was going wrong for Scott, his girlfriend was gone, a person chasing him, and his roommate moving farther away from him because of his horrid feelings for the ginger. Wallace felt bad, and he was just going to make it worse.

"Because I was hoping that it would lead me to some answer to Ramona, anything," Scott finally answered. His breathing turned harder. "I wanna know she's okay. I love her. But where is she," Scott muttered, voice cracking. "I know, it's stupid, but-"

Wallace pulled Scott into a hug, the blanket falling to the floor. Scott was surprised by the sudden sympathy his roommate had for him. Scott hugged back, trying not to cry. "You shouldn't cry, Scott. Crying is not for you. Not for men. You should be strong like one,"

That's what someone at the back of his mind was telling him. It was true, at least that's what he thought. The hugging lasted long before both pulled away. Scott had a sad but genuine smile on his face.

"You should be getting some sleep, Scott," Wallace told him. "No it's barley..." He began, trying to remember the time. Wallace pulled out his phone and checked the time. "Guy, it's 11:00 P.M.," Wallace said. "WHAT," Scott yelled. "Exactly."


All the lights were off and Scott was fast asleep, but Wallace wasn't. Tucked in bed, some things were sticking in his mind. He was mostly thinking about how he would ruin everything. Wallace knew his love for Scott was too much of a burden for him. He would have to tell Scott eventually and when he did it would ruin their friendship. The one thing Wallace worked so hard to maintain over the years. He wished there was another way but nothing came to mind. If their friendship was going to end soon Wallace decided he'd have to cherish it!

No matter. Everything was fine in the meantime, besides the fact he could tell if this kept going on, Scott wouldn't be okay. One more thing was unsettling to Wallace.

When they were on the subspace highway, Wallace remembered someone saying something, but he didn't remember anyone saying anything. He thought long and hard before it hit him. The words the person said.

"You will learn later, now is too soon. Nighty night!"

"Creepy" Wallace thought. The way the person had said that, was unsettling in a way. It made him shudder just thinking about it. Unfortunately, all of it made sense "You will learn later, now is too soon," it was all clear. Wallace turned to Scott, sleeping like a baby. It was very contradicting for Wallace. He was scared of the thing he loved. Wallace wished he'd never found out about it in the first place. Maybe he wouldn't be carrying everything on his shoulders.

"It has to be this way. Otherwise, I'd hurt Scott," Wallace thought. He signed as he brushed Scott's hair off of his face. He grumbled in his sleep. Wallace stared at Scott to make sure he was sound asleep before planting a kiss on Scott's forehead and turning around to go to bed.


Scott woke up the next morning to see Wallace on his chair watching a movie. Everything seemed normal. Secretly, Scott was hoping everything was a dream, but his body said no. It was sore and weak, but at least able to get up from his position. When Wallace heard the shuffling from the mattress, he stared over to him. "Scott, you're awake," Wallace said. "Yeah, no, I'm asleep," Scott joked, still sounding sleepy. Wallace rolled his eyes as Scott made his way to the kitchen, walking like a zombie. "Guy, are you sure you okay to be up and about in these conditions?" Wallace asked.

This was a time Scott knew Wallace was genuine. "I'll be fine," Scott muttered. Luckily, Scott was already ready to head outside since he slept in his outdoor clothes. So did Wallace. He got out of the chair and walked over to the kitchen as well. "So, where are we looking first?" Wallace grinned. Scott rubbed his eyes. "We?"

"Didn't I tell you? I'm going to help you find Ramona,"

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