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Scott turned wide-eyed. "Really?" Scott asked. Wallace punched his arm playfully. "Really," Wallace smiled. "Thanks," Scott said. "No problem," he replied. Wallace walked over to the coat rack and grabbed his jacket. "So, where are we looking first?"

Scott yawned and walked over to their mattress to then put his shoes on. He slowly tied them as he answered the question. "I don't know, we'll have to figure that out," Scott told him. "Doesn't sound like you have this planned out, guy," Wallace laughed. "Fuck you," Scott mumbled. "Gladly,"

Scott still felt tired and had a huge headache, so he simply groaned. He finally tied both of his shoes walked over to Wallace and grabbed the brown coat he sometimes wore. Scott didn't actually know the reason he didn't wear it, he guessed he just preferred his Parka over it, but his parka smelled like dead fish right now so it was being washed after a couple of months. Gross right? Once they were both good to go, Wallace opened the door and walked out with Scott following him. As they did so, Scott put his hands in his pockets. But when he did he felt something. His pockets were supposed to be empty. It wouldn't have been a big deal if the item wasn't so big and had an odd shape.

He stopped walking and slowly pulled out the item from the jacket. When he saw what it was, he froze (as if he wasn't already). He examined it closely. It was actually it. The item he had pulled out of his pockets was Ramona's goggles. Scott wasn't even supposed to have it. He wondered how it even ended up in his pocket in the first place. He sure didn't place it in there and Wallace definitely did not sneak it into there.

Scott was interrupted from his thoughts by Wallace yelling "Scott!" as an indication for him to keep following him. He did as he was told and shoved the goggles into his pockets as if nothing happened, but it made him more scared than he already was.


Scott and Wallace walked down the sidewalks for quite some time, discussing places they could find Ramona. The two had no clues whatsoever and Scott wasn't brave enough to tell Wallace about the goggles in his pocket at that very moment. It wouldn't do them any good anyway, they were just goggles. It wasn't a good clue either way. Neither was it a big clue.

After a while, both of them were both stumped on ideas. They had no clues, no ideas, no nothing. It was more complicated than taxes (that's a guarantee)!

"What exactly did Ramona say to you before she left?" Wallace asked. "I don't know it seems like such a blur. Something about 'Find someone else that's good. 'I wish I could stay longer. 'I will miss you.' stuff like that," Scott explained. "Did she ever say why or at least hinted?" Wallace said. "Nope, she just said 'I wish I could stay'," Scott sighed sadly. "Scott, you are an absolute idiot," Wallace told him out of the blue. "What did I do?!" Scott yelled.

They both continued to walk in sync, Scott crossing his arms and making a pouty face at Wallace for such an offense. Wallace looked like he was resisting the urge to laugh or smile. It made no sense what Wallace was saying to Scott, who's the one speaking Greek now?

"She said she wished she could stay, Scott. Ramona didn't leave by choice. She was forced to leave because of something or someone," Wallace stated. "That actually might be helpful!" Scott said cheerfully. Wallace beamed, he loved it when Scott had that stupid successful grin on his face. It was always when he had figured out something or won a fight. He'd know that smile anywhere.

"Exactly. But now we just have to find a person that would do this," Wallace said. "Someone who knew Ramona,"

"Ramona's evil exes," Scott suddenly said. "There you go! Your first clue," Wallace told him. "That's it! Maybe one of Ramona's exes took her," Scott grinned. "One thought though. Not to stomp on your parade, but the evil exes don't work for G man anymore. How can they still be evil?" Wallace asked. Scott thought for a bit. "Well, indeed, they don't work for Gideon anymore, but that doesn't mean they're not evil anymore. They could still want to take Ramona even though she has a boyfriend! *cough* me!" Scott replied heroically.

Wallace enjoyed that Scott was happy after a couple of, what, had it already been months? But it also hurt to hear the words 'Ramona is Scott's girlfriend' or 'Scott is Ramona's boyfriend'. "That is exactly why you planned how the doomed friendship will go," Wallace thought. He knew what would happen. Scott would tell him he doesn't like men and that he's dating Ramona and tell him how wrong asking him out in his days of sorrow is. Then they'd never be the same and their friendship would break and that's where it would all end.

"You a genius Wallace!" Scott yelled. "Thanks, guy," Wallace said. "Now, all we need to..." Scott began. He then collapsed on the ground, well, almost before Wallace caught him and held him by the armpits. Scott was still conscious but he looked drowsy again. "You okay guy?!" Wallace asked worryingly. "I..." Scott began, but it seemed no words could come out of him. "C'mon, let's go home,"


Wallace opened the door to their apartment to plop Scott onto their mattress. Scott didn't look so good, he looked worse than he was already and he insisted that he was fine and was able to walk around. He wasn't though, that was a lie. Wallace pulled the sheets over him and turned off a light for him. Scott grumbled in pain. Wallace sighed as he sat down on the kitchen seats to watch Scott. Not in a creepy way though, more in a protective way. He did not watch the TV to avoid loud noises as he looked at Scott trying to go to sleep.


Scott woke up randomly in the middle of the night. He turned to see that all the lights were off and that Wallace was tucked into bed. He sighed as he looked up at the ceiling. Two clues. He could actually find Ramona soon. He'd be free from the grip of sadness. Scott put his hands in his pockets and pulled out Ramona's goggles. He clung them close to his chest and whispered one thing before closing his eyes.

"I miss you, Ramona,"

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