Ch. 28: Cursed

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Author's Note

Hi there! I just want to thank you all for all your support. It really makes my day when I see your votes and comments. It makes me feel like my efforts in writing something sincere yet interesting (hopefully lol), something close to home was worthwhile... I wanted to inform you all that we are almost at the end of MPHT. There are less than a handful of chapters left. Where has the time gone haha? I feel like I still remember writing Alizey singing "Bahara" in her car the day her car broke down and she met Fawad. Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed FaZey's journey thus far. And as always with my writing, always expect the unexpected.
💫❣️ ChalWahanJaateHain


Alizey's P.O.V.

It turned out New Year's Eve at Rangila Aunty's wasn't just the four of us, it was a whole party with her family friend circle.

"Fawad?! Is that you, beta?" yet another one of the guests approached Fawad and I.

We were sitting outside near the pool and away from everyone in our own little world.

"Assalamwalaikum," Fawad gave the older woman a polite nod.

"Walaikumsalam! It's so good to see you after so long."

"Same here."

"Is she your-"

"My wife."

"Oh," she eyed me with a smile.

"Assalamwalaikum," I greeted her kindly.

"Walaikumsalam... Enjoy the party," she walked away with a smile.

I looked at Fawad, "You know her?"


I laughed. "Yet you were talking to her like you did!"

"I don't remember most of these people. I probably met them when I tagged along with Baba to the parties here and there."

I wrapped my arm around his, resting my chin on his shoulder, "But they remember you. You make quite the impression, Raza-"

Fawad scoffed quietly. "Of course they remember me. I was their favorite topic of discussion after the accident. Most of them found it fun to speculate how it happened. Some made up the rumor that I was abusive, and Sana and I were fighting when I ran a red light. Some said that I was drunk after the party we attended, so I wasn't in my senses. There was also the rumor that I was cheating on her and she'd found out, so I was trying to get rid of her. Or, Sana was flirting with a guy at the party and we got into an argument about it, so I wasn't paying attention. Another was even like Musa was crying in the back and we were both trying to take care of him instead of watching the road."

"What?!" my face scrunched up as I moved away and looked at him. "What's wrong with people?!"

"It's what people do when they have too much free time."

"Did they ever even meet Sana?"

"Most of them did not. Sana and I never had a wedding reception. If they ever met her, it was when Baba and Rangila Aunty invited us for dinner where sometimes they would call another family or two. Since Sana was still in school and got pregnant not too long after our wedding, we were busy."

I sighed, taking his hand. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. It sucks that so many people do that. They don't let the living grieve in peace nor do they let those who've gone rest. They don't bother to actually show up and be there for them."

"I wasn't as concerned about them checking up on me. They couldn't have brought Sana and Musa back. I was more hurt by the bullsh*t they were spreading. Sana was the mother of my child, my wife. To even think of myself mistreating or neglecting her or Musa made me upset."

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