We're Gonna be Parents

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Grant's POV
We made it to the hospital, checked in, and got settled into our room before I checked the group chat.

Flash Cast=Best Cast
Dp: C's parents are on the way
Los: so are yours
Jess: the dog sitter is available and C's parents dropped them off
G: thank y'all so much

I sent a message to our big group chat with everyone in the arrowverse cast in it, saying ["candice is in labor"] before putting my phone down. I get off the phone and go over to massage C's back, who is standing next to the bed, holding on to the arm rest while trying to breathe. G: "you alright baby" C: "mhhhm *slow deep breath*" G: "the nurse will be here in a second with a yoga ball and both our parents are on the way" C: "ok" we stay like that for another 5 minutes before we hear a knock on the door. NA: "hey I'm Angie, and I will be your main nurse today" G: "hello" NA: "Dr. Sherri has been notified that you are in labor and will be with you soon to check in. I also brought that yoga ball you requested" G: "ok thank you" she goes and gets hand sanitizer and puts on some gloves. NA: "can you lay back on the bed for me, I'm gonna check your cervix to see how dilated you are" C: "mhhhm" I help C back on the bed and the nurse checks her cervix. NA: "you are about 2 ½ centimeters dilated" the nurse goes and removes her gloves. NA: "I will be in here about every hour to check your dilation, but if you need anything in between that just let me know" G: "ok thank you" NA: "no problem" as soon as the nurse walks out I get a phone call from my parents. Mrs. G: "hey we made it to the hospital. What room are y'all in" G: "401" Mrs. G: "ok we will be up in a minute" Mr. G: "C's parents are here to" G: "ok just come straight in when y'all get up here" Mrs. G: "ok see you in a minute" G: "ok" I hung up the phone and put my phone in my pocket. G: "our parents are here" C: "mgh... ok can you help me to the ball" G: "yeah" I help her up and sit her on the ball, then I go grab my chair and sit in front of her. G: "you're doing so good baby" C: "thanks I couldn't do this without you" G: "and I couldn't do this without you, I can't believe in a couple of hours we will be parents" C: "yeah me either" G: "I love you" C: "I love you to"

Candice's POV
It's around 12:30 Dr. Sherri just left our room, and both our parents have made it and brought all our stuff. Mrs. P: "I can't wait to be a grandma again" Mrs. G: "I know it's crazy to think that this will be me and Tom's first grandbaby" C: "thank y'all again for getting everything from the apartment" Mrs. G: "no problem, anything for you two" G: "thanks for dropping off the dogs too, Mr. & Mrs. P" Mr. P: "anytime son" Mrs. P: "well we are gonna head back to the hotel for a little while, to give y'all some privacy, call us as soon as anything happens or you need anything" C&G: "ok we will" they leave and me and Grant try and relax even though it is really hard because I'm in pain and he is super nervous and excited all at the same time, so we decided to walk around the hospital to speed things along and help with the contractions. G: "I still can't believe you don't want an epidural" C: "honestly kinda regretting that at the moment this shit hurts" he laughs. G: "well you're doing amazing" C: "thanks baby, question" G: "yeah" C: "does my bun look good" G: "you always look good" C: "kiss me" he kisses me and then we start to walk up and down the maternity level. I had 3 really painful contractions in the 15 minutes we were walking, so we decided to go back to the room. When we got back, I decided to sit back on the yoga ball because it was most comfortable, and I let Grant message my back. C: "I'm so hungry" G: "me too, but the doctor said you can't eat until the baby is born" C: "I know, but I'm still pregnant and this could take hours" G: "I know, but that's why we are in this together, if you don't eat I won't eat" C: "no baby you have to eat, I at least had breakfast, you weren't hungry this morning which means you haven't had anything but coffee today" G: "what's a couple more hours gonna do, you carried our baby for 9 months, and you're going through the pain of giving birth to our baby, the least I can do is wait to eat until after you give birth" C: "that's sweet, but just to ease my nerves can you at least eat a granola bar" G: "If that's what you want then I'll do it" C: "thank you" It is now 3: 15. In the past 3 hours, I have dilated to 7 centimeters, and my contractions are more painful and closer together. I'm really starting to regret not getting the epidural, but it's too late now. Grant has been my rock, from holding me in hugs when the pain is really bad, holding my hand, getting me water, and helping me to the bathroom, to talking me through contractions, singing to calm me down, keeping calm when I get a little snappy, and doing my breathing exercises with me, he really is the best. Our parents are on their way back. They came and checked in twice already, but now that I am getting closer, they are coming back. We decided that we just want it to be me and G in the room when I give birth, so they will be right outside the door until the baby is here. I'm so nervous but yet so excited I can't wait to be a mom, and spend the rest of my life with Grant who currently is laying with me cuddled up with his head on my chest singing and talking to the baby. The doctor will be back in 30 minutes to check my cervix again, we are really having a baby, and I couldn't be more happy.

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