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Shutting the door of my side, I got comfortable in the backseat of the car

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Shutting the door of my side, I got comfortable in the backseat of the car. The engine started and we were going towards our destination for which we came to Jaipur, the Palace-the Vat Mahal.

It took us almost three hours at the hospital, but it was worth. Avyansh turned out to be my wife's friend, it seemed like that by the way they were talking.

'Are you okay bachha?' I asked Avni, turning my head towards her.

She nodded her head and gave a small smile, which didn't reach her eyes as it always does.

She was lost in her thoughts from the moment we left the hospital which made me worried for her. I intertwined our hands and started stroking the back of her hand to distract her.

'You don't need to think about anything bachha. I know you will tell me everything by yourself and I ain't going to ask you anything by then, trust me' I spoke softly.

She turned her head towards me and kept looking at me for a few seconds. I gave her an encouraging smile and blinked my eyes in assurance.

'I trust you, Ansh' she said and my heart skipped a beat.

Although she has stated this sentiment many times, it never fails to make my heart swell.

'Avyaansh was my best friend at the college in Mumbai' She started speaking.

'But he looked older' I spoke in confusion.

'He was my senior actually' She said and I nodded.

'He was in the final year when I took admission. He was in the designing branch and I was in Mass communication. I lost all my friends when I went to Mumbai with Papa. I had a few friends in school during 11th and 12th but I lost the connection with them when the school ended. When I joined the college, some seniors were doing my ragging on the first day itself but Avyansh, being the most popular guy of the college, stopped them and even punished them. Then he told me that his nickname is also Avi. So this way, we caught up. Even he didn't had many friends so we started hanging out together. He took care of me like a brother and eventually, we became best friends. He came back to Jaipur after his college as he is originally from here but we didn't lost contact even after the college ended. But...you know...I stopped connecting with people after I came back to Delhi' She told.

'So, how did you feel meeting him after so many years' I asked.

'I felt good, but it tensed me so much seeing him....like that and after listening about his wife, I just...I felt very very bad' She spoke meekly.

I wrapped my arm around her and pecked her head and she leaned on my shoulder.

'Don't worry, God never does wrong with good people you know that. And now he met you again and we'll come to meet him if you want so he will gradually heal himself' I spoke trying to make her feel better.

𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄-𝐈𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝!Where stories live. Discover now