care in disguise

910 49 0

Ishan and shubham share an eye contact,

in next second

Ishan-ab kiss krega kya (in annoying tone)
Will you kiss me now

And quite lightly pushes shub
And here's when he notices the ***scratch***

And some one enters the room

Hardik-waah kya scene hai!!!(teasing and giggling)
What a scene!!

Ri- sorry disturb kr Diya kya !!
Did we disturb you guys?

Shub and ishan get up and move towards them

Ishan- kya Bhai app bhi na!!

H.p- ishan i forgot to inform you
Your bf  I mean mayank wanted to give you this (he gives a parcel)

Ri- bf nahi ex-bf aaj se toh
Ri and h.p laugh out loud

Shubh just smiles awkwardly

Ishan - Bhai aaj kuch zyada nahi hora
Bro aren't you done for the day

H.p- aree Maine bf bola best friend..isme itna offend q hora hai
I just said bf meaning bestfriend, y r u offended

Ri- okay okay, we are going u guys continue (in teasing tone)

Ishan playfully hits rishab

Both exit ,door closed

Ishan goes to bathroom and brings the medical kit and throws it on couch

Ishan- put it on your scratch (in low tone)

Shub - what do you mean

Ishan- are you certified blind , morning you couldn't see Mee and now this , see
( Shows the scratch on mirror)

Shub - ohh ...,  it is small one doesn't matter , i can't even feel it

Ishan-cause you are insensitive!!

Listening the word insensitive he goes pale

(His ex broke up stating the reason of him being insensitive )

Ishan notices the expression and feels guilty for going overboard
Not only for this but also for pushing him earlier

Shub puts on the ointment without replying

Shub notices food and asks what did you order I am hungry

Ishan - I don't know what do you like so I ordered the one I usually eat

( Ishan is hungry  and a foodie too but he is on guilt trip again as he didn't order food for shub but doesn't want to let him know)

Shub- okay let's eat then!

Ishan- I am not hungry u can eat

Shub - okay and starts eating

Ishans stomach growls loudly
(Much loudly than your heartbeats after seeing your crush)

Shubh laughs and says

I think your stomach wants attention, let's eat together

Ishan joins without thinking much and they eat together

After dinner, ishan opens the parcel and finds the locket
And immediately calls mayank

Ishan- omg mayank it's so pretty...thank you yr....

Mayank - come on yr , it's your birthday in a week I had to give you something

Shub notices the locket and his happiness over it

Ishan - But you could have given it on my birthday

Mayank- I am extremely sorry ish i won't be able to come on your birthday, I am leaving for my home town now

Ishan- why, anything serious?
(In worried tone)

Mayank- No you don't have to worry, I am just missing my parents and my grandparents want to meet me , I am really very sorry ish

Ishan- It's okay , you don't have to feel guilty over it , we both can celebrate again later

Mayank - okay ish I have to go, just reached the airport

Ishan- have a safe journey, bye.

Ishan was quite sad , it was evident to shub

Shub - what happened

Ishan- nothing,  let's sleep

Shub- where ?

Ishan- you can sleep on couch , I will sleep on floor

Shub - I won't fit on that , it's alright you can sleep on couch instead,it's suits you pretty well

( He says it to lighten up the mood)

Ishan- afterall it was my room
And some one just barged in

Ishan sleeps on couch and shub on floor

Both were tired and didn't feel like calling anyone to change the mattress and thought it would dry by tomorrow so there's no need

Shubh sleeps on floor and ishan scrolls insta for few minutes and later sees shub sleeping peacefully

Ishan feels guilty and goes to sleep beside him without making any noise.

BG music
🎶🎶 Tum ho paas mere Saath mere ho tum yun Jitna mehsoos karoon tumko Utna hi paa bhi loon🎶🎶


Hey cuties...What do you guys think..let me know
Hope you all are doing great, take care, eat well and enjoy!!!

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