Time for Revelation!!

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Ishan- okay okay relax..it was the guy you bumped into on my bday remember !!

( Chapter name- are hot ones allowed in, when they were in lobby)

Writer's tip- In my story every small details matters , every person has some or other role to play. So please be thorough with the chapters
Okay students 😂
Ain't i sounding like a professor

Shub was shocked
Shub: ohh ya i remember!but how did this happen,
you know what let's go to medic first

Ishan- I met Rohit Bhai on the way he said he will get the medic here

Shub- okay, sit
Drink water !!

Ishan drinks it
Shub looking at each and every wound on ishan's body with a concerned look on his face

Ishan- holds shubman's chin

Ishan- look here, I am fine , don't worry !!

Shub- concerned tone
How can I not worry?
Look at yourself!!
Tell me exactly what happened ?

Ishan- so I went to the same hotel , I was about to enter it
Some one just called me from behind, I turned around.

It was the same guy!!

He came towards me

Evil man - EM

Ishan was fuming with anger remembering that day

But calms down after he hears

EM- hey , I am sorry for the other day, i shouldn't have hit your friend my bad.I genuinely apologize

Ishan- You should be, please don't repeat it with anyone.
I am glad you realised..

He smiles at him

EM- I surely will remember this.

Ishan- okay then

EM- btw I guess your friend is searching for you

Ishan- shocked
What , where ??

EM- he shows towards some secluded street.

Ishan searches for his phone

Ishan- ohh shit I forgot my phone

EM- okay I will leave then, once again I am sorry !

Ishan just shows a thumps up

After contemplating a lot he goes towards that street looking for him

Ishan- shubi !!

Some one hits his back

Ishan- ahhh!!

He turns around

It was that evil man and his friend(who is really hatta katta)

They start hitting ishan

EM-( sarcastically)sorry my foot, I told you last time
"Dekh lunga tumhe "
It's just a punishment to mess with me

How dare you hit me last time , it's time for payback

His friend holds ishan's hands tightly while that man hits him

Ishan tries to escape from his grip but alas

He uses his leg and pushes him

EM- you still got the guts Haan!!
He punches on ishan's face

Ishan's mouth starts bleeding

EM- I so wish your shubi was here!!

Ishan fumes with anger
Ishan- Don't you dare take his name .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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