you don't remember the last night?

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After 15 minutes

Shub sleeptalks , moves a bit , his hand hits the glass on the bedside table

Loud thump!!

Shub starts sobbing a bit

Ishan- what happened shubman,u okay?

Shub holding his hand:
I am sorry Ishu, I was rude to you , not only today but before too.
It is just that I am comfortable with you.
I genuinely care for you!!
You mean a lot to me!!
I know you have many people around, that you care for , whom you want to protect, and likewise

Ishan: shubman but

Shub doesn't let him speak


But you are the only one for me Ishu!!
I want to protect you, take care of you, save you from every evil thing,person and whatever evilness
I want you to be careful and take care of yourself.
Though you pretend to be tough and goofy, I know you have faced so much and don't feel like saying it to anyone
I want you to know I am always gonna be there ,,forever, I want you to trust me.

I so wish I could do more the other day , u got the dream but i was helpless , i just didn't knew what to do ,how to react ..I am so sorry ishan ...

Ishan:(confused) it's okay , please sleep now shubman

Shub goes back to sleep

Someone enters the room

It was Ishan

Then who was the one shub was talking to

Ishan: mayank!!! How come you are here

🎶🎶Kya Se Kya Ho Gaya, Bewafa Tere Pyar mein

Chaha Kya Kya Mila, Bewafa Tere Pyar Me🎶🎶

Mayank: mistakenly I forgot my
Phone nd as soon as I called the waiter picked, nd he informed me.

I came to take it back, I heard a noise nd then I saw shubman

Readers - ohhh Bhai, ek dam inhone wakq badal diye, jazbaat badal diye, zindagi badal di...

Writer: shub is drunk so he couldn't differentiate between mayank and ishaan..nd just spilled whatever came to his mind

Ishan: ohh, shubman was so drunk , nd I was tired too so thought we could just lounge in.

Mayank: ohh, vaise u guys are really close?

Ishan : what do you mean exactly?

Mayank: like do you still get the nightmare

Ishan: (confused) why are you asking me that

Mayank-shubman was saying something related to it!!

Ishan was shocked

I don't remember, having any nightmare, i usually do.

I will ask him later.Did he say anything else?

Mayank: (stuttering)
Haan, nothing in specific,
Some rubbish

Okay will go now, bye good night, sleep well (ruffles his hair)
Hugs him

Ishan: okay, cool
Chalo then go safe !! Good night

The next morning

Shub wakes up

He holds his head
His head hurts badly

Ishan :( sweetly)
Good morning sweetheart!!

Hands him the lemon tea

Drink it , you will feel better

Nd sits beside him

Shub just stares at him

Ishan : what , drink it

Shub was just shocked, it was unusual.

He drinks it

Shub heads towards the washroom

He yells

Ishan rushes to washroom.

Ishan : what happened

Shub: stunned and stuttering
what is this ?

Showing the lips print on his shirt

Ishan: you don't remember, the last night!

Shub: what do you mean?

Ishan-please don't tell me you also forgot this

He shows the mark on shub's neck

Shub shouts again

Ishan: oh god, could you please stop shouting

Shub : how did it get here

Ishan: what do you mean, it is because you wanted it!!

what are you saying

Ishan: (seriously looking into his eyes basically in his soul)
U don't remember the steamy night,
(He takes a step closer towards him)
the eye contact,
(One more step)

the holding of hands
(One more step)

They are so close and face to face

Shub : (pushes him) stuttering
You are lying,there was nothing that happened

Ishan: please don't turn such a special night to a lie, just cause you don't remember

How is she gonna feel hearing that

Shub -(shocked )what!!
Which girl?

Ishan: The one who kissed and gave you that hickey

Shub: oh, u were talking about a girl

Ishan: (confused)who else you thought?

Shub: wait!! But how it possible

Ishan: why not ! U were drunk, u were not in senses, u lost your control

Shub: (worried)there is no way I could do that

Ishan: you don't trust me, see there is her purse too,
(Shows Natasha bhabi's purse)

Shub gets more tensed seeing the purse and sits on the bed

Shub: omg what did I do, how could I
He holds his head
After a sec
He removes his shirt
Shub: I am not gonna wear this shirt anymore, I am goona throw it.He just throws it on floor out of frustration

Shub: (panicking)how could I do it, I don't remember anything, whom should I call ,what do I do, what if she says something to public, what if she took my photos , what if she..

I am not understanding anything.

(Quite in a emotional tone)
she was right I am insensitive, stupid, idiot, character less
He was on the verge of breaking down

Ishan on hearing the last word (character less)
In serious tone:

How dare you call yourself that, shubi i would break anyone's bones if they said that to you,
U saying that to urself is making me feel so bad!!

He hugs shub tightly:
Shubi I am so sorry, I was pulling a prank on you, you didn't do anything.

Shub pullsout from hug

Shub: (confused)
what do you mean?

Ishan : (softly)
That is Natasha bhabi's purse she forgot it yesterday and there was lipstick in it so I thought I could pull a prank on you,

I didn't know it would turn out like this

I am really sorry
(He holds his ears)

Shub (calmer than before)
What about these?
Pointing at marks

Ishan: lip kiss on your shirt was from me, and the hickey mark is fake , I did with the lipstick and just spread it in that way.

Writer: Vaise bhailog Nb bhenlog aap kya soche!!!!

Hey shubIshimishies ...
Hope you are doing great!!!
How was it!!

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