You Have Got Me For Life!!!

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In the practice

Ro- guys, we have an important match tomorrow, we can't afford loosing it, everyone give your 200% , I know you can do it
Let's go boys!!!

Everyone scatters and practice sincerely

After 6 hours of practice and ofcourse the breaks in between.
The session ends

While leaving the pitch , shubh notices something shining, it was the chain given by him

Shub-I think it fell during practice, thank God I saw it.

Shub turns back noticing ishan still practicing, he doesn't want to disturb the flow so he goes back to the room alone

He gets freshened up
Nd gets a call from sara!!

Ishan after about half an hour ends his practice and was on his way to the room, suddenly he realises there is no chain, he was
Anxious and rushes back to pitch , he starts searching each and every corner

Ishan-(worried tone) oh god!! Please help me , I can't loose it.I will definitely keep it safe this time, please help me find it.

It was about 2 hours ishan didn't return to the room ,after the call with sara shub realises it.

He calls ishan, but he doesn't pick up.

He goes down and asks everyone
Did you see Ishu?

He finally finds himself on pitch
Searching something

Shub runs towards him

Shub-what happened Ishu, why do you look so tensed?

Ishan-I am soooooo sorryyy shubi, please forgive me , I lost the chain u gifted me

Ishu it's alright, i found it while I was going back , instead I am sorry I didn't let you know

Ishan - quite annoyed

shubi yr... ,you should have told me,I have been searching it like fool every corner , I was so worried you know that.

Shub-don't say me you were not going to come till you found it?

Ishan- looking down
May be!!
It was given by you, I can't loose it and I know you made it yourself

Shub was taken aback, he never mentioned it!!

Ishan-Don't be surprised, tilak wanted it so bad , he searched it online Nd found that we have to make it ourselves, so he let go of thought.
But shubi i didn't know you were so thoughtful.

He hugs him tightly

Ishan- Thank you so much, I can't even imagine the amount of hardwork and patience u put into this!!!

Shub- looking down
Now can we please stop talking about that

Ishan - sulking
But i spent 2 hours searching it, my eye balls would fall any soon

Shub-okay fine, today is my treat
Now can we go?

Ishan jumps on him hearing that

Ishan-great!! Let's go

In their room:

Ishan-let me invite mayank too

Shub feels weird hearing that

Shub-okay, let's call sara too, just a while ago I spoke to her, she's free now

Writer - aur bhai, kaisi lagii!!!!

Ishan - you know what , let us go alone today, we can invite them some other time.lets go

Ishan pulls shub's hand and takes him out of the room

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