I will never leave you!!

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shub drops the bags he was carrying along and heads to their bed

Shub - ishan...... kya hua .?he shakes him a little

ishan keeps trembling and quotes few words 

ishan: please don't leave me !!please!!! please!!! 

shub (in distressing tone) : ishu.. , i am here , please wake up . I am scared!!!

He takes ishan in his comfort and pats his back with reassuring words 

shub: ishu, I'm right here with you every step of the way!! Please calm down ishu..

( though he was shaking himself not understanding what to do )

Ishan embraces him

shub hugs him tightly , and keeps patting all along till ishan falls asleep

shub carefully tucks him in the bed .

shub (caressing his hair): Never knew the one who acts tough infront of everyone , who is fuuny and jaan of the team  has gone through something terrible, I so wish i knew to handle situations like this. 

He checks his phone

He notices the missed call of ishan

Shub; oh god,!!! Why did I put my phone on silent
Hits his own head

 The clock hits 12

someone knocks on their door, shub opens it

the whole ICT team enters with a cake and sings  in unison

Happpy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to dear ishan , happy birthday to you!!!!

ishan wakes up and was surprised 

he notices shub being in the same outfit and presumes that he is just back from cafe

ishan: ohh , i forgot its my birthday today

everyone laughs

shub feels relaxed finding ishan smiling

they cut the cake

h.p- Happy birthday baby!!!He kisses on his head

Ishan- Thanks meri jaan!!

rohit- we are also in line to kiss him, please move aside

virat-(dramatically) I thought ur kiss was only for me ! I am hurt


rohit takes the cake and throws it on ishan's face 

there was a whole ass cake throw party in the room , shub was just happy finding ishan in his goofy state.

Everyone leaves the room . ishan and shub both are full of cake

shub wishes ishan  with a big dimple smile :a very happy birthday ishan!!!

ishan with no expression : Thankyou

shub just thinks he is just tired and does'nt counter question


Ishan wakes up , finding shub dressed up for gym

shub: Good morning birthday boy! I have ordered your fav bf , getup

ishan just ignores and goes to washroom

shub was freezed and could'nt process what just happened

ishan comes back

shub: is everything alright ishan?

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