It's kishuuu!!!

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You guys were right!!!
It's Mayank and Sara

Mayank - **coughs**
Sara- (concerned tone)shubman!!

Both enter the room

Ishan lets go of the embrace

Sara - shubman , are u alright?

Shub- just nods

Sara- it's alright shubman, we know you will bounce back stronger, you can do it

She pats his shoulder

Mayank - yes shubman, you got this!!

Shub just nods

M- Ishu meri jaan, super proud of you!!!!

Shub looks proudly towards ishan hearing that for a sec

Mayank hugs Ishan tightly

Shub's expression changes the next second, he himself doesn't realise it

Mayank notices his expression in the mirror opposite to him

Sara- Ishan you were really good!! Well played

Ishan- thank you guys

Mayank - let's go party!!

Ishan - ya let's go , shub before u say no ,
Tujhe meri Kasam
(He thinks this might make his mood quite better)

Shub - ishuu yr .. ookay
(There is no way he can say no now)

Mayank - sara please join us, if u are free

Ishan- sara , you have to come !!

Sara- okay okay I am coming

Mayank - you guys get changed , we will meet others till then.

In ishan's and shub's room

Ishan notices shub zoned out

He hugs shub

Ishan- shubi my boy , if your heart is still filled with pain, please vent out , I am here
Cry as much as you want, but remember you are never gonna cry for this again .

Shub instantly starts crying and hugs him more tighter

Ishan pats his back and does not utter a word

Shub stops crying
But ishan doesn't let go of him

He waits and keeps hugging till shub himself lets go

After sometime

Shub lets go of the embrace

Ishan- are you feeling better now?

Shub-quite a bit

Ishan- shubi , if u don't feel like partying we can drop this

Shub-No ways, it's your day today , we have to celebrate and secondly I can't break the promise

Ishan- it's alright shubi

Shub - ishu , I am feeling better now, nd if you were in my place would you not celebrate for my win

You don't have to answer it , I know you would be the happier than me probably organizing the party

I'm genuinely sorry Ishu, it was your day , but I made it worse,

Hearing this instantly ishan hits shubi

Ishan-shubi , stop it ,now you are making it worse saying all these

Shub-okay okay, ishan lets go party all night and celebrate your win

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