Regret and Threat!!

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Shubman rushes towards him and gently pulls him in his embrace.
He pats his back and make circles to calm him down.

Shub-its okay Ishu , I am here
Calm down , we have got this.

Shub pov- it's the second time,
Last time I didn't feel the need to ask  , i thought may be just a nightmare but using the same words , this timee he is crying too.. definitely he has been through something.I am definitely gonna ask him tomorrow by hook or by crook.

After some time ishan calms nd dozes off.

Shub was so tired from continuous practicing, he takes a warm bath nd heads to sleep too.
He also skips his dinner just like ishan

The next morning

Shub wakes up feeling hot and sweaty and body completely aching

He finds ishan all ready for gym
Shub- why didn't you wake me up?

Ishan - you practiced a lot yesterday so didn't feel like disturbing your sleep

Shub- ohh ya, i said you to have dinner rgt, y didn't you have?

Ishan - i was waiting for you, thought we could have it together.

Shub-from next time don't do it please!!

Ishan - I will, you have to take care of your health too shubhi, you can't ignore it like that

Shub-I am completely alright, you don't have to worry about me

Ishan-why are u being stubborn

Shub-it's not me , it's you

Ishan-i noticed, you didn't have dinner too, how can I not worry about you

They start arguing

Shub - I can take care of myself,
You can't skip eating just because I am late.
I am goona practice even more today, are you not goona eat today too?

Ishan - no let's eat together or I am not eating SHUBMAN .

Shub (annoyed)- why are you arguing ISHAN, why can't you just listen to me!!

Ishan - it's a about your health, I can't let it go so easily

Shub- stop worrying about me and just focus on yourself!!

Ishan - You don't have to worry about me

Shub-likewise then, y the rules are different for me!!

Ishan- cause you are younger than me, you have to listen to me

Shub doesn't think and replies

Shub- ohhh, elder card haan,
Though I might me younger, I don't cry while dreaming

Shub regrets it the next second

Ishan was shocked and hurt - How can you be so insensitive shubman, she was rgt!!

(She means shub's ex gf
If you remember,she broke up saying the same thing)

Ishan shuts the door  loudly and exits their room.

Shub was stunned, how could his bestfriend do that ,
That was all his mind was thinking about
He couldn't get up from the bed , he was feeling weak , his body was burning with fever.

Somewhere in his heart , he was feeling guilty too to have said those words.

Ishan on the other hand just runs in the ground as there were no one , it's early everyone must be either sleeping or in gym

He was about to cry but didn't
He wanted to erase everything.

Ishan-How could he do that,
He could have asked me, but would i had answered i don't know , may be not but still that's not the way to talk.

He thinks all of it while running

He gets flashback of the dream .
He runs  as fast as he can.
His legs were paining but not as much as his heart was.

Shub was granted a day off because of fever.

Though he insisted on being alright, Rohit gave him a Stern warning not to be irresponsible towards health.
Rohit forces him to have breakfast and to take the medicines

It's afternoon
There was no sign of ishan

Shub couldn't take it anymore
Though he was going through mixed emotions of anger and guilt, the feeling of emptiness overpowered it all.

He makes a phone call to ishan

But unfortunately ishan forgot his phone in the room.

Shub-why do you do this ishan, ahh it's so annoying!!

He wants to go to ground himself, but his weakness is not letting him do so.

He thinks of calling the others mates and talking to him.
But again thinks of giving him some time

He doesn't even have lunch.
His mind was completely thinking about ishan no matter how much he tries to make himself busy .

Its night, ishan was not back
Shub was really tensed
As it's past the practice session too

He was feeling weak, but this time, all that mattered was ishan.
He goes out looking for him, he was no where neither on ground nor in locker room.

He sees V k

V .k - Hey shubman, what are you doing here, take rest

Shub-I am fine Bhai,do you know where is ishan?..

V .k - he took an emergency leave today, i thought you would know this.

Shub was startled

V k - anyways take care of yourself , go to your room now .

Shub-but Bhai..

V.k - no buts just go and take rest right now

Shub comes back to his room

Shub-where did he go , omg i hope everything is fine,i shouldn't have said that.
I am such a fool and insensitive too ,how could I do that to my bestfriend.

I am sorry god , I will not ask him again, please bring him safe and sound

His mind was filled with all the negative thoughts

He was completely loosing his mind .
He was just walking continuously in his room

Ishan enters

Shub rushes towards him and hugs him tightly

Ishan - arghhh!!!
He screams in pain

Shub notices his face

Shub-omg!!! Ishu what happened , how did you hurt your mouth..

He notices ishan's hand on his stomach

Before he could say anything

Ishan(tensed)-ohh god!! shubi, you are
burning like sun,that's why I said you not to take your health lightly.Did you eat , wait let me order food and take medicines right now.
He says everything in one go
He takes shub's hand
Ishan-come first sit down

Shub- he just brushes his hand off

Shub - (loudly nd seriously)
Ishan talk about yourself , tell me god damnit what happened!!?

Ishan-its nothing,we can talk about this later shubi please calm down .

Shub- (angrily)calm down seriously ishan , have you seen yourself, you are bleeding
And The way you are holding your stomach looks like some one punched you.

For the last time I am asking ishan tell me what happened and  who did this to you!!


Hello  kismannsss....
Hope you are doing great if not you should be after reading the chapter 😁
Let me know how it was and who do you think it is!!!

My eyes are on you!!!

Take care!!

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