Chapter 9 : Bonding

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Jungkook woke up after a while without realizing that he is still at working. After waking up first thing he did was stretching his arms in air. He felt something fell of from his shoulder it was a coat he picked it place besides him.

Jk : I am feeling so refreshed. Wow (again stretched his arms)

?? : had great sleep. (He heard from right of him)

Jungkook nodded his head and leaned his head on the right side and put it there still sleepy not realizing surrounding .

Jk : yeah but sleeping in the sitting position brings muscle pain my back pains a bit .

?? : ooo so sad.

Jk : appa you gain so much muscles ( he said touching the shoulder and biceps area) what are eating now days hmm.

Tae : well I eat pork and chicken and drink strawberry milkshake mostly .

Jk : so much protein I see appa.

Tae : first thank you and secondly I am not your appa.

Jk : why? (He looked there with his sleepy eyes) AAAHhhhhhh..... (In panicked his chair got pushed backwards )

Scream left from Jungkook's mouth and immediately cover it. He quickly scan his surrounding his eyes winded.

Tae : had a great sleep hmm Jeon Jungkook. (Looked at him who still looking so lost)

Said pressing his lips together trying to surpass his smile at Jungkook surprise face the poor boy is still completely in shock and embarrassed

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Said pressing his lips together trying to surpass his smile at Jungkook surprise face the poor boy is still completely in shock and embarrassed.

Jk : did I really feel asleep like this. Oh my (his whole face was red in embarrassment) you should have woke me up. Why didn't you.

Tae : well you seem very tired so I thought you should take a bit of rest. And I think you didn't get any sleep at night.

Jk : a person who has to complete a big project in less than a month do you think he or she can have peaceful sleep seeing the pending work huh.

Tae : I understand but don't overwork much ok.

Jk : you're such a confusing person you know. First "I need it to be done within a month no delay ok " (Mimicked the way Taehyung said it) now don't overwork much. Stick to one statement man stop confusing poor humans.

Said in a rapping way and for a moment Taehyung saw his mother in Jungkook.

Tae : you will tune perfectly with my eomma . (Said in surprise)

Jk : why?

Tae : he also speaks too much to quickly in anger.

Jk : is it a compliment or an insult?

Tae : up to you the way you take it.

Jk : compliment sounds good.

Tae : let me take my things and lock the cabin it's already very late. We have to leave. (Jungkook immediately looked at his watch his eyes winded)

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