Chapter 15 : My choice

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After coming from the Kim Cooperation Jungkook went straight to his room ignoring his father calling him.

Mr. J : what's wrong with him? (Asked himself)

After reaching his room Jungkook just lay on the bed completely exhausted. His mind is completely messed up right now.

Jk : What do you want Taehyung? You said you need me, you want me , want me to love you then why?

Flashback :

Jungkook was drinking coffee with Roy who was admiring him. Jungkook felt uncomfortable with his gaze.

Roy : I really missed you when you were not here you know. Why didn't you answer my calls and message hmm? (Try to sound cute)

Jk : I was busy with work. (Try to excuse himself)

Roy : leave that, do you know about the problem right now of Kim cooperation? (Jungkook shook his head) actually when Taehyung had an accident he couldn't able work for long, that time many board members were take back their investment from the company but now our company again doing good but thing is, still the number of board members are need aren't there.

Jungkook heard everything carefully from Roy. And thought that this was the reason the board meeting was held. Roy started to talk further. He again start listening as Roy continued.

Roy : So Taehyung asked everyone if anyone had any suggestions for the problem. But most of them just said that to make a board member someone they know Taehyung didn't want that so meeting was finished.

Jk : didn't any solution found yet?

Roy : Yes kinda , actually in a few days my sister Anna is coming back from Australia . Both Taehyung and Anna have known each other for a really long time they are good friends. So I tell , Taehyung about Anna's arrival. He was so happy about it you should see his happiness at that time. (Said with chuckle) Taehyung told me that he thinks to make an Anna board member as he knows her, trust her. But it's not right to give some such big amount of shares who just completed her studies. Taehyung told he know Anna she will handle everything prefect.

Jungkook isn't like hearing from Roy how Taehyung was praising his sister but what Roy said next left him completely shocked.

Roy : You know I wasn't still convinced so he told me that he will get married to Anna so he will give position of a board member to his wife not someone stranger or anyone person .

Roy was still talking but Jungkook felt numb. How, he just heard Taehyung murmuring in his sleep that he loves him then why he is ready to marry someone else just to save for company.

Jk : di-did Taehyung rea-really said this (he somehow said those words from his trembling lips)

Roy : Jungkook (he shook Jungkook when he didn't get any response from him) you alright.

Jk : yeah, I need to go.

Roy : wait, Jungkook let me drive . You don't seem well.

Jk : I am fine. I can manage it. Thank you for asking.

Flashback ends

Remembering Roy told him about Taehyung and his sister's marriage. It's killing him. On the other hand Taehyung said that when he said in sleep keep telling him not to believe anyone else. What he is supposed to do , he can't think straight.

He was laying on the bed, eyes had tears in the corner. He flinched when he heard knock on the door. Jungkook sat and wiped his face and compelled himself before going to open the door. He took a deep breath before opening the door.

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