Chapter 18 : Have you gonna crazy

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After Taehyung reached to his home, he went to freshen up. After coming from bathroom was looking at mirror. Drying his hair. While drying his hair he look at his reflect.

He touches his cheeks the moment of Jungkook kissing his cheek flashes in his mind. His cheeks start getting pink . He shake his head not to think more about it.

After that he went to sleep.

With Hoseok

He was working on his computer with complete concentrate fingers roaming on the keyboard. When the phone sound rang in his cabin which takes away his concentrate.

He removes his phone and thinks it might be his girlfriend as it's already time for him to return home. But he frowned upon seeing an unknown number on the phone screen which is more like a telephone number. He picked it up.

Hobi : Hello (said in deep voice)

Unknown person : am I talking to Jung Hoseok Ceo of the Jung enterprises.

Hobi : yes, you are. May know who you're and why did you call here?

Unknown person : well, who am I isn't important to you Mr. Jung but the reason I called it is.

Hearing this Hoseok becomes more alert as he is an underground mafia receiving such kind of calls were normal for him. But this time he received a call on his working phone this number is with people whom he meets for business purposes.

Having this number to a person probably indicates his real identity is being disclosed in the mafia world which he doesn't want. He needs to find who the person is.

Hobi : what do you want? Relieve your true intention. (Said immediately)

Unknown person : you have an employee in your company, I guess his name is something Jung or Jungkook.

Hobi : Stay away from him. Do even think of bringing him into. Or else you will see the worst side of mine. (Said in deep and grasped voice)

Unknown person : Well, why would I even think to hurt or do something to such a pretty boy. But he himself is trying to ruin himself and his life .

Hobi : I don't like mysterious talk coming straight to the point. What you say? What is Jungkook doing?

Unknown person : well, it's keep it straight. Your brother like a friend decided to ruin his life by agreeing to marry a paralyzed person.

Hoseok stands from his chair hearing this.

Hobi : what nonsense you're spitting huh? Jungkook wasn't getting marry to anyone. Who's paralyzed person you're talking about.

Unknown person : claim to be his brother who doesn't even know such a small thing about him. Such a pity. And that paralyzed person is non other Taehyung. Now don't tell me you don't know who Kim Taehyung is?

Hobi : saying whatever non sense coming to your mind and you are spitting it. Thinking I will believe it. Huh. Don't even think to fool.

That unknown person laughed hearing Hoseok's statement. Hoses blood boils hearing that annoying laughter. He just wanted to shoot all six bullets of the gun is was holding right now.

Unknown person : then don't believe, who is even telling you to. But yeah remember to ask about this non sense to whom you consider your brother ok. Rest we will discuss after you discover the truth. And yes, remember to thank this kind hearted person who tells about this or else who knows if your brother is considering to telling you or not . Bye dear .

Hoseok heard the phone beeping sound indicating that the call is disconnected from the other side. Hoseok was extremely angry after hearing this. He smashed his phone on the wall resulting in it breaking into pieces. He took a deep breath and sat back on his chair and put a cigarette between his lips and lit it, trying to calm himself from his anonymous call .

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