Chapter 43 : Escaped

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Hoseok and the gang members were there looking for clue who is person who did this. Going through Dr Park's call record to fine who it could be.

Hacker : Sir, he called someone before he went to his car.

Hobi : whose number was that?

Hacker : let me check this.

Hoseok was sitting there waiting for hacker find it out sooner.
In the room of Taekook a sound of phone ringing can be heard. Jungkook quickly grab this phone and answer it.

Jk : hello

Han : Jungkook you're right there was something wrong with management of the company at the time when Taehyung was hospitalized.

Jk : I knew it. Who was managing everything that time?

Han : I am send you file. It have all details.

Jungkook check his email box and saw two names were on the top.

Jk : they are the one who did everything thing.

Jungkook call Hoseok to tell him everything.

Jk : hello hyung

Hobi : Jungkook I was about to call you only.

Jk : Hyung listen it's "Mr. Lee And Park Roy" handling everything in company in Taehyung's absence an-

Hobi : Mr. Lee was involved in Taehyung's accident and the one who knew about Yoonji's accident.

Jk : What?!! (Said in shocked voice)

Hobi : yes, it's him Doctor park call him many times I able to get their call records too.

Jk : try to catch him, I will handle with Roy. (Said in rageful voice) .
Here in a big hall filled with people looking at Taehyung who was walking towards the stage to take his best business man award. His family was looking at him with happiness.

Taehyung delivered his speech everyone was clapping in those hands who was clapping for him are people who doesn't seem really happy about it. Eyes were red in anger and jealous. It's none other than CEO and founder of Lee cooperation.

Mr. Lee : you didn't did right Kim Taehyung taking something belong to me. I can only be the best here no one else the award is mine.

His anger was increasing he just wanted to snatch that award but can't. He thought that if he stay here more than he will sure do something. So he proceeds to exit when his eyes fall on Park Roy who was looking at Taehyung with same expression as he is. He smirk and move to him and put his hands on his shoulder.

Mr. Lee : wanna smoke

Here both unsuccessful, losers, good for nothing making their to hell . Putting cigarette on there lips.

Roy : why did you call me here. (Said exhaling intoxicated smoke)

Mr. Lee : I like people who are straight to point. Aren't you want to make downfall of Kim Taehyung. Hmmm to someone who made your company to come to his end. Don't you dream to hold that award instant of him?

Roy : even I want I know I can't. (Said annoyed)

Mr. Lee : now I understand why your company was a disaster. (Said mocking)

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