Chapter 52 : Ready for responsibility

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Taehyung and Jungkook came home. Taehyung picked him and made him sit on the living room couch.

Seeing them Jin came with a smile.

Jin : how was your day?

Jk : very tirding I am very tired.

Jin : ooh my kookie is tired. I have something for him to take his tiredness away from him .

Jk : what ( said in excitement)

Jin : Ta-da

He put a plate in front of him which has strawberry pastries in them. Jungkook jumped in excitement.

Jk : it looks so tasty.

Tae : you just ate pastry at the office it's not healthy bun.

Taehyung said that Jungkook went completely silent and pouted and his eyes turned teary hearing this.

Jin : Kookie don't cry. (Jin hugs him and caresses his back .)

Taehyung eyes wided hearing his sob He tried to hug him but Jungkook pushed him and hugged Jin tightly.

Tae : I-I don't w-want to hurt you bun. I'm sorry bun. (His lips tremble and eyes began to get teary)

Jk : I don't want to talk to you. You bad you didn't let kookie eat pastry. Kookie won't talk to you. (He said sniffing)

Jin : uwu kookie come eomma will feed you pastry. Say ahh.

Jungkook opens his mouth and Jin feeds him pastry. Taehyung was happily looking at giggling Jungkook who was eating pastry happily. He was still feeling guilty for making Jungkook cry.

After Jungkook had pastry he pecked Jin cheeks and went to his room with a huge smile. Taehyung was looking at him.

Jin : did you both fight before coming here? (Asked to looking at Taehyung)

Tae : What no we need, we literally make me(he stop himself) never mind but we did fight eomma . Bun is quite a different form a few days . Don't know.

Jin : really? Then you should talk to him.

Taehyung came to his saw Jungkook was changed into a night suit. Making the bed Jungkook smile at him when he sees him.

Jk : hubby go change.

Tae : bun (Jungkook looked at him) I am really sorry (his eyes began to tear)

Jk : what happened to hubby (he quickly went to him and hugged)

Tae : I am sorry I'm really sorry I don't want to make you cry.

Jk : please you don't have a hubby (he holds his cheeks ) I am not angry with you really (he pecks his lips)

Tae : really??

Jk ; yesh come let's sleep it's late and I am really tired.

Tae : I was really hard today (he said massaging Jungkook's back)

Jk : I don't know but since the last few days I have started feeling really tired easily without doing anything I am feeling really tired.

Tae : you should take a few days leave from the work bun.

Jk : but-

Tae : No excuses understand. You will be going to here and rest properly.

Jk : fine I understand you hubby. Now let me lay in bed.

Jungkook was laying in bed Taehyung on his chest.

Tae : bun

Jk : yes

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