5. 𝘾𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜... 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮?

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        The group of me, Brittany, and Isabel had passed 2nd and lunch period taking and gossiping together. Eventually, the third period bell rang and we all started to leave, laughing on the way out.
        "Ugh, they're such idiots. You're so smart Brittany, don't let them get under your skin," Isabel said, continuing a conversation about some ex of hers, "I have P.E. next, how bout you guys?" she asked.
        "I've got P.E. too! we can walk together." Brittany replied.
        I sighed. "I have history. I'll probably see you guys at cheer practice today though! Bye!" I waved bye and started walking in the direction of Ms. Maxwell's class. I hadn't confirmed if this was one of the classes I had with Hazel, but I was crossing my fingers hoping it would be.
I entered the room, seeing most people already at a desk, writing some assignment in our journals. Quickly, my eyes fixed on Hazel and the open seat next to her. I sat myself there and pulled out my journal, looking back up to see Hazel smiling at me.
"Hey, how was 2nd period?" she asked.
I laughed, "I ditched, me Isabel and Brittany wanted to talk about- something." I smiled, trying to avoid the fact that she'd come up a bit too much in our conversation.
"Smart." she replied, groaning, "What do you have next though?" she smiled at me so sweetly, i literally stayed quiet for a second like an idiot, looking at her bluish-gray eyes.
She tilted her head then, reminding me we were talking. "Art, with Ms. Smith, you?" Please say she has the same class.
"Really? Same! I'm actually so excited, I can't handle another academic class." She laughed. I couldn't help but smile, her laugh was infectious. "Oh! Wait! I almost forgot, are you in any clubs right now?" she asked.
"Uhm, only cheerleading, why?" I asked back, confused.
"Well, Pj and Josie are starting like a self defense club, and we were talking about like, a way for people to feel safe so... would you want to join?" She smiled widely at me. I smiled back.
"Are you going to be there?" I asked.
"Yes, and some other girls will be too. It's girls only." she replied.
A girls only fight club... led by two-uh weird? lesbians. What could go wrong! "Ok. I'll go, when is it?"
Her eyes lit up as she looked at me and leaned over to grab my hands, "Thank you so so so so so much, Pj would have killed me if I couldn't get a ho- smart! girl into the club. It's today at 3:30!" I smiled, trying to hide how flustered I was. Her hands let go of mine as she leaned back to her desk. I felt like something was missing.
"It's ok, i'm just glad i'll have a- uh friend there." I looked down at my page, starting my writing assignment, "And i'm glad you think i'm smart."

Me and Hazel walked to art class together, laughing and bumping into each other in the halls, some people gave us weird looks but, whatever. We spent art class on a new oil painting together. We both got paint on ourselves by the end—each of us at least having a small stain on our clothes— because we kept both trying to paint at the same time, our hands looked more like the painting than our canvas. I left the class trying to act like I wasn't about to have a heart attack, being so close to her.
"Ok, follow me, i'll show you where the club is!" Hazel cooed from ahead of me in the hallway. I smiled and nodded in response, just focused on following her.
We walked into the gym, dropping off our bags and sitting down. I turned to Hazel.
"Uh... is it meant to be this empty?" I asked.
"No, I guess we're just early. They'll probably be here soon!" she replied, smiling.
"Oh I totally trust you," I joked, "I'll be right back, i'm going to go to the bathroom." What a perfect time to make sure my face wasn't fully red and I didn't look like a raging idiot.
"Alright! See you in a minute!" she replied, waving as I walked away.
I walked into the bathroom, taking a deep breath and relaxing, looking in the mirror. Everything was perfect. My makeup stayed on, I didn't look stupid, and now I could breathe comfortably. I stayed in the bathroom for a minute, checking my phone and touching up my perfume and makeup before going back.
As I walked back into the gym, I realized a group of girls had now formed. There were about seven girls in the middle, and a group of three girls near the door.
"Hazel what the fuck! None of these girls are hot!" I heard a whiny voice say.
"Does that really matter? Plus I told you y/n is-" Hazel started, before stopping due to Josie tapping her on the shoulder, alerting both her and Pj that i'd arrived.
"Uh, hi!" I said.
"Oh uh, hey! Y/n right? you uh- you here for the fight club?" Pj asked, smiling at me, her demeanor having changed completely.
I looked at Hazel, then back at Pj. "Fight club? I was told this was like.... self defense club for women?" I looked over at Hazel, who was looking equally confused at Pj.
"Fight club, self defense club, same thing! You guys can just go sit down! we'll be over in a second!" Pj said, putting a hand on my shoulder to sort of guide me to the group of girls in the middle. I cringed.
Me and Hazel sat next to each other, she grabbed her knees and I sat with my legs crossed, just a bit closer to Hazel then I had to be. She smiled at me before Pj and Josie started.
"Welcome to our fucking fight club!" Pj screamed, jolting me away from Hazels gaze. She slammed her backpack on the floor, Josie following close behind her.
"It's a self defense club." she tried to salvage Pj's rant.
For a while, they went on about what would happen and their time in juvie or something... I wasn't paying attention.
"Just punch me!" Pj screamed at Josie.
Before I knew it, Pj was on the ground and Josie was holding her balled fist. All of us ran over to Pj, looking over at her. When she sat up, her face was covered in blood, her nose being almost covered in it. And somehow she was smiling. I looked at Hazel, who looked back at me, looking very concerned, I mean who wouldn't be. All of a sudden, looking at Pj's bloody face, I realized most of these people could probably beat me up easily if they wanted to.
More accurately, they would probably crush me.

        More accurately, they would probably crush me

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i'm hoping yall get the title... i had it all planned out how I would add that in... ANYWAY hope you enjoyed as per usual! this chapter was super similar to the last one but now that i've gotten the school writing out of my system, expect diff stuff soon :)

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