10. 𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙁𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩

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        About a week of classes had passed, me and Hazel hung out more each day. We'd hung out during the weekend, during school, and we even reviewed Hazels plans for the fight club. Hearing her so excited about something made me just that much more excited about it.
        The next meeting was today. My classes passed slowly, the day was dragging along and all I was waiting for was the end of the day. In my last class, art, I was practically falling asleep, Hazel noticed.
        "You ok?" She leaned over and asked, nudging me with her pencil.
        "Yeah," I groaned, "Today's just been so long. I'm excited for fight club though!" I tiredly smiled at her.
        "Well, at least there's that. I'm just hoping PJ won't freak out today." Hazel said.
        "It's PJ, she's going to freak out." I replied, sitting up.
        "I know," Hazel groaned, "But it's going to be fun! Probably." We both laughed.

        Me and Hazel sat next to each other, laughing and talking about her taekwondo experience.
        "Everybody listen up!" PJ yelled, banging a mop against the floor.
        Me and Hazel immediately darted to look at her. She was standing next to Josie, angry over something or other.
        She continued her rant about the rules or something, I wasn't actually listening. "My dad left me and i'm very punctual!" She finished, turning behind her to see Brittany and Isabel. I smiled at them and waved. Isabel looked at Hazel quickly and winked at me. I blushed.
        "Oh, hey guys, come on in!" PJ said, smiling.
        "Uhm, i'm sorry, I thought we weren't allowed to be late?" Annie chimed in.
        "That's a rule for next week!" Josie started.
        "Yeah, it's totally fine this week." PJ continued. Me and Hazel looked at each other and quietly laughed.
        "So, let's start with some body contact!" PJ started, "Brittany, you're close to me, do you wanna..." She trailed off.
         "I'll go!" Annie said, walking over to PJ. Immediately PJ shoved her, Annie falling onto the ground.
        Mr. G had some kind of objection, Annie got mad, I tuned them out. I snapped back into it when I heard two other thuds, one being PJ and the other, Annie. I stood up next to Hazel and stared at them, honestly wondering why I was here.
        Josie and PJ had somehow convinced Mr. G to let us keep the club. For our first activity, we started a fight circle. Apparently something PJ and Josie did in juvie. Groups of girls went up to fight each other, I saw Brittany and Isabel go up together, they head butted each-other and both fell down. Honestly, it shocked me how good some people were at punching other girls?
        Eventually, me and Hazel were in the middle. We stood for a second and I mouthed 'sorry' to Hazel. She smiled and whispered back, "Don't hold back, i'm gonna be fine." We both smiled, and I tried to punch her. I landed it successfully, having hit her right on the cheek.
        "Oh shit! Sorry!" I said, leaning over to help her up. Before I could reach my hand to her she had lunged back up and tackled me. Now we were both on the floor, Hazel on top of me, panting. I breathed heavily, looking between her eyes and the new scar on her cheek. Neither of us moved until someone called, "Uhm, Hazel wins!" She looked away from me to the person. I still looked at her cheek, I felt bad. Bad, but also weirdly happy, I mean, she was on top of me. Hazel turned back to me and smiled before getting up and offering me a hand.
        "That was awesome y/n." She laughed, shaking my hand.
        "Thanks. I had no idea you were that good at fighting!" I replied, walking out of the ring. "But, I feel bad about your cheek!" I looked at her sympathetically.
        "What, is something wrong with it?" Hazel asked, touching the open wound. She pulled her hand back to see blood. "Oh, yeah. Damn. Uh, could you maybe come to the nurse with me?" She laughed.
        "Of course! I'm sorry though, seriously." I said, walking towards the door of the gym.
        "No, it's fine. It was cool!" Hazel smiled, holding her cheek in her hand. "That punch was insane, have you fought anyone before?"
        "No. That was my first time." I replied. "But that wasn't what was impressive, that tackle was amazing!" I tried to hide the fact that it was also pretty hot.
        "You, uh, you thought so?" Hazel asked awkwardly. It felt like she was trying to ask something else, but I couldn't tell what.
        "Yeah! I didn't know you were that- uhm- agile!" I replied, holding open the door to the nurses office for Hazel to walk in. She sat down in a bench against the wall and I asked the nurse for a bag of ice and bandages. I sat next to Hazel with the bag of ice and leaned close to her.
        "I'm sorry if this hurts a bit." I said, pulling her face in closer. I started putting on the gauze to stop it from bleeding, I almost didn't even realize that we were as close as we were — not to mention I was holding her face — until I saw that she was blushing just a bit more than normal and wouldn't look at me. I wrote it off as her just being tired from the fight.
        "Ok, you should be good." I said, putting on the last bandage to keep the gauze on. "Does it hurt?" I asked, handing her the bag of ice.
        "Yeah, a bit, but i'm fine. Thanks. For bandaging me up and everything." She smiled at me, standing up.
        "Any time. I still feel bad that I hit you that hard." I said, starting to leave the nurses office.
        "Don't. I literally knocked you over, if you have to apologize so do I." She said.
        "Well, fine then, we just both won't apologize because I don't care that you tackled me either. It was fun." I kind of accidentally let that last part slip.
        Hazel paused for a second in the hallway then smiled at me, "Cool. I'm probably going to head home, are you?" She asked.
        "Yeah, but my mom's picking me up today. She'll be here soon." I said. "Are you taking the bus again?" I asked, walking towards the front door.
        "Mhm." She replied, walking outside the middle of the main entrance. "Uhm, can I ask you something y/n?" She asked, looking at me awkwardly.
       "Yeah, of course ask me anything." I nodded. My heart skipped a beat but I didn't let it show.
        "Uhm... well. I don't know how to say this- uh- ok. I just wanted to know if... if you wanted to study at my house tomorrow?" She smiled awkwardly at me.
I smiled back. My heartbeat was steadying again. I really thought that was going in a totally opposite direction. "Yeah, meet after school tomorrow?" I asked.
Hazel nodded. "Yeah, I'll remember my stop this time I promise!" She laughed.
I laughed with her. We both then went quiet for a second. The wind was blowing and it was strong to get dark outside. It was weirdly nice to just not have to talk or anything, it wasn't awkward either.
A few seconds later a car pulled up and my mom rolled down the window. I snapped back into focus when I saw her. She called me over and I started walking, turning back to Hazel.
"See you tomorrow, Hazel." I smiled widely and got into my car, she waved back.
"Who's that?" My mom asked.
"She's... she's my friend, Hazel." I smiled and looked out the window to her.

more parts to come soon :) I will be working on another story so, updates may be slightly less frequent but I will write as much as I can <3

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more parts to come soon :)
I will be working on another story so, updates may be slightly less frequent but I will write as much as I can <3

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