15. 𝙏𝙧𝙪𝙩𝙝 𝙤𝙧 𝘿𝙖𝙧𝙚

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Just as we'd arrived back at the hotel, we'd received an invite to hang out with some of the fight club members. Somehow, Brittany had snuck in a bottle of vodka and wanted to share.
"Hey, you guys made it! Where were you all day?" Isabel said, walking over to me, Hazel, and Josie— clearly ignoring Pj.
        "Wouldn't miss it, there's nothing to do here anyway." I said, finding a seat on the floor, up against one of the two double beds. Hazel sat next to me.
        Across from us and on top of the beds Sylvie, Stella-Rebecca, Brittany, Annie and a few other girls I barely knew the names of, sat talking and passing around cups. Some people only drank coke, but Brittany had already started on the bottle.
        "I had to sell like 50 bracelets to afford this, appreciate it while it lasts." Brittany said, passing the bottle to me and Hazel.
        "You sell bracelets?" Hazel asked as I poured a bit into my cup.
        Brittany groaned, "Yes. But no one even cares. Except you guys I guess." She finished, Isabel sitting down next to her.
        "Can we do something fun!" Pj groaned, sitting near Josie with her legs sprawled on the floor.
        "Yeah, can we like— break something or something like that?" Sylvie said, smiling very weirdly at the group.
        "I mean maybe not that? But we could play like sleepover games or something? Isabel, you know what i'm talking about right?" I said, looking back at Isabel. She was smiling widely at me.
        "Yeah, I mean if everyone would want to we could play truth or dare? I always play that at sleepovers." Isabel said, clearly looking over at Josie. They were literally the cutest.
       "Uhm, yeah sure!" Josie said, looking away from Isabel to turn to Pj. "Pj, you wanted to do something so, truth or dare?"
        Pj thought for a second, looking at the ugly hotel carpet. "Dare."
        "Ok well uhm..." Josie paused— Isabel laughed a little watching her trying to figure something out. "Text the last person who messaged you something like 'I love you'" Josie finished.
       Pj pulled out her phone and started typing. Only seconds later she said; "Done." and showed us her phone with a fresh 'I love you' message sent. Damn, even I didn't think she'd actually do it. "My fucking mom texted me last, easy." That explains it.
        "I get that. My step dad texts me all the time. It's so annoying." Sylvie said. The entire room went quiet quickly.
        "My dad left me so... no more texts from him." Pj said awkwardly, interrupting the silence. "Ok! Anyway! Y/n, truth or dare?"
        "Truth." I said, no way I was going to let Pj give me a dare.
        "Ok, how into Hazel are you? Like scale of one to ten." She said, smirking at me.
        "Uhm why ask that?" Hazel asked, putting a hand on my knee. "You act like you have some kind of problem with it?" She said, laughing a bit. She got defensive fast. It was kind of sweet.
        "Whatt?" Pj said teasingly, "Why do you care anyway Hazel? Wouldn't you think she'd answer a high number? Just answer the question y/n!"
        Hazel started to say something, to let her know that it was ok I put my hand on top of hers. If Pj was going to be a dick Hazel shouldn't have to deal with her. "10. Probably." I said casually.
        "Wow, ok! See, nothing to wore about." Pj said— she sounded just a bit annoyed.

        A bit later the game was still going on— we were definitely too loud for the hotel and definitely passed our curfew but no one else seemed to care. No one but me and Hazel.
        "Y/n?" Hazel said, leaning over to me quietly. Everyone else was laughing at something Annie said, so I was the only one that could hear her. "Do you wanna head back to the room? I'm kind of tired."
        "I actually thought you'd never ask." I said, "I can't be around Pj for another second. Let's go." I grabbed her hand and stood up, waving to Isabel and Brittany before we walked out.
         Our room was only a few doors down so when we arrived I practically collapsed onto the bed while Hazel turned on the lights.
        "Why is Pj like that?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes.
        Hazel sat next to me on the bed. "I'm not actually sure. She's always been like that though. Just don't take anything she says too seriously."
        "I haven't been. I mean, she's still acting weird around me how can I be sure anything she says is serious?" I said jokingly, looking up at Hazel.
        "Yeah. I figured. But- uh- it was nice, what you said about us being a '10'." She said jokingly. "Even if it wasn't serious."
        I sat up on my elbows, almost at the same height as her. "Mhm, but I mean— it was it bit serious." I said reluctantly.
        "A bit? I have no idea what that means." She laughed a bit. I sort of wish she could tell I was being serious.
        "I don't know. It just means that uh- that we're a ten?" I genuinely was not sure what to say— either i'd be honest and tell her that I wanted to kiss not just for a stupid fake thing or Id lie and say we were... 10/10 friends or something?
        I swear she was getting closer to me, or maybe I was just noticing how close we were. "A ten? So... like everything has been a ten? Or just one thing?"
        I could feel my cheeks heat up. I was mostly wondering if there was any kind of wikihow tutorial on how to tell a girl you don't just like being her friend but you also like kissing her. What a classic gay girls dilemma.
        "I guess all of it. Why?" I asked, still looking at her.
        "I don't know. I sort of just wanted to make sure everything was cool— I wasn't sure if that whole uh- kiss thing was going too far? Like, were you cool with it?" She said, speaking almost too fast for me to understand her.
       "It was cool Hazel. Don't worry, I told you, it's all been a ten." I said nonchalantly, joking just a bit more. If she wasn't going to get it there was no point in being serious.
        "A ten? So- so would it be cool if..." She trailed off, very obviously actually getting closer to me this time. My heart was racing. "If I did it again?" She said, putting a hand on my cheek.
        I couldn't do anything but nod. She leaned in and kissed me, not like she did before but... more real. She put her hand on the back of my neck to pull me in.
        I took a deep breath when she pulled away. "So... would you want to be my real girlfriend? I mean- I don't think i'd have the confidence to ask any other time? I've had a bit to drink so-" I pulled her in for another kiss, shifting so we could comfortably reach each other.
        "Yes. I do." I said, smiling widely at her.
        "And was that a ten too? Does it beat the first one?" She asked jokingly. We shifted again before I could answer, now Hazel was more on top of me.
        "If the first was a ten that was probably an eleven." I said, putting my hands in her hair to pull her back in.
        "Jesus I need to sleep- Oh shit!" Pj said, startling me and Hazel. "Sorry didn't mean to interrupt your fucking make-out session or whatever, but I need to sleep and Josie's staying with Isabel. goodnight!" Pj fell onto her and Josie's bed.
        Hazel and me both started uncontrollably laughing, trying not to annoy Pj. "I'm going to turn the lights off, can we... continue in the morning maybe?" Hazel whispered, getting out of bed and turning towards the light switch.
        "Absolutely, please." I said, pulling myself under the covers as soon as the lights were off.
        "Goodnight." Hazel said, kissing me one more time.
        "Goodnight." I responded, closing my eyes, still facing her.

SUSJSJDH hope you enjoyed!! ok so, recently i've been getting some comments and stuff so comment if you want me to continue the series after this! i might not but ill focus more on this than my other project for a bit if people do want that! :)

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SUSJSJDH hope you enjoyed!! ok so, recently i've been getting some comments and stuff so comment if you want me to continue the series after this! i might not but ill focus more on this than my other project for a bit if people do want that! :)

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