9. 𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝙙𝙖𝙮

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The night had passed quickly after the flour incident. Soon, it was nearing midnight, me and Hazel had stayed up talking.
I rolled on my side, laughing at something Hazel had said about one of our teachers. We both laughed until the room went quiet. I laid on my bed, facing her, she sat on a beanbag chair facing me. I glanced at the clock next to me and realized the time.
"Shit! It's like 11:45! Haze, we have school tomorrow." I laughed, pulling myself up.
"Wait... it was 9:00 like two minutes ago, I swear," She yawned, "Maybe we should go to bed? Do you have a guest room or something?" Hazel got up, smiling awkwardly.
"Yeah. But uh..." I looked around the room, moving to my closet, looking around. "I don't think I have a spare bed? I mean, there's my parents room but i'm not sure they'd want either of us in there. You can sleep on the couch, but that might not be comfortable." I paused for a second., "Or, you could just sleep in my bed? If you're like... ok with that?" I smiled awkwardly.
"Yeah! I mean, sure, if you're cool with it." Hazel smiled, leaning on her hip, playing with her rings.
I pull up the blanket, rolling over to one side of the bed, leaving enough room for Hazel to sit next to me. Hazel sat down under the covers. I turned off the light next to me and laid down, pulling the blanket over me.
"Goodnight, Hazel." I said, turning to smile at her.
"Goodnight, y/n. Talk to you tomorrow." She smiled back, laughing quietly back. I nodded, laughing with her, and closed my eyes, turning away.
I couldn't tell if she had tuned away either or if she had stayed facing me, i'd hoped for the latter.

Rather than waking up to the sun or my alarm, like usually, I woke up to Hazel. Before sitting up, I turned to face her, she was sleeping quietly, arms draped across my chest, almost like a hug. I smiled instinctively. She looked tranquil, the sun painted her face in a pattern matching the window. Her hair was messy and her sweater vest from the day before was hanging off of one arm.
I tried to move carefully, attempting not to wake her up. As I slipped myself out from under her arms, leaving a pillow in my place. I pulled myself out of bed and grabbed a change of clothes. I walked to the bathroom, quietly opening and closing the door.
        Before changing, I started my morning routine, brushing my teeth and hair out while listening to the sound of some wind blowing and birds chirping outside. I yawned one last time, stretching out before grabbing my change of clothes.
I hummed along to some song as I changed into a new dress. The dress was blue and floral and, for no reason at all, I just had to make sure my undergarments matched. Not for anyone, totally!
Randomly, and without warning, the door burst open! I turned around quickly, holding my dress over my body, to see Hazel standing in the doorway. I maybe made sure my bra was showing just a bit. But only a little bit. 
"Shit, i'm sorry!" Hazel said. She stood in the doorframe for just a few seconds, almost as if she wasn't sure what to do. I thought I saw her look at my lips.
"It's uh- it's fine, I just need a minute!" I smiled nervously, closing the door as Hazel turned around.
My face was very red, I could see it in the mirror. It's not like I was hoping she wouldn't walk in but, maybe I was just hoping the first time she'd see me like that wouldn't be walking in on me changing.
I finished changing, walking out to find Hazel. "Hey, i'm done, and sorry if I woke you up," I smiled, tossing my clothes into a hamper.
Hazel got up, walking over to me. "No, you didn't wake me up. I was just wondering where you went, I woke up hugging a pillow or something, so that was weird." She smiled and laughed.
"Oh, that, yeah, sorry. I just... well, when I woke up you were uhm, hugging me I guess. I just wanted to make sure you could sleep, we still have," I glanced at the clock, "about two hours until school. Plus a fifteen minute bus ride." I said, walking over to my vanity to do my makeup. Hazel stood quietly for a second, looking bewildered. "Sorry about that, I guess I didn't realize!" She laughed awkwardly, moving over to my bed.
I focused on my mirror, more focused on my makeup than on Hazel "No, don't apologize. It's ok." I finished up my mascara. "I didn't mind." I put on one last swipe of lipstick and turned towards Hazel.
She was looking at me, with a slight smile on her face. I blushed. I smiled at her but while I looked into her eyes, I sort of realized that she wasn't looking back at mine. She was looking at me, just not at my eyes, maybe just a bit lower? I'd say at my lips, but what do I know.
I tried to get her attention by waving my hand. "Hazel? You ok?" I asked, walking over to sit next to her.
She focused back on me and smiled, finally looking at my eyes. "Yeah. Just happy." She looked down at our hands, they were almost touching. "This was fun."
"Well, i'm glad that getting covered in four wasn't bad enough to stop you from having fun." I looked down at our hands too. "I had fun too. I've never had a friend that like... got me as well as you do. Like, I know we don't know each other that well but we're just- i don't know- similar?" I said, putting my hand on top of hers, our fingers a bit entwined.
She looked at me, smiling quietly. I stared back.

"Y/n... can I ask you a kind of weird, off topic, question?" Hazel asked.

"Uhm sure? What's up?" I smiled back in reply.

"So uhm... are you- I mean, do you like girls? like, are you gay?" Hazel asked nervously.

I blinked. "Yeah." I said quickly. "But that whole rumor wasn't true. I don't like Brittany."

"Ok, cool. Yeah, I was just wondering. Sorry." Hazel started, standing up, "I'm uh- going to go get ready, meet you downstairs?" She said, walking towards the door.

"Mhm!" I said quietly, taking a deep breath as soon as she had left the room.

        "Mhm!" I said quietly, taking a deep breath as soon as she had left the room

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okok im sorry this chapter was kind of just fluff? idk what to call it... but i wanted to wirte abt this and had severe writers block so here we are! ill have more plot centered stuff next chapter :)
(also check my msg board I asked a somewhat important question up there that is abt this story!)

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