14. 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙎𝙦𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙚

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        "Everyone better be back here by three! Or else we leaving you here." Mr. G called in front of our grade. Now that we'd gotten all of our official school activities over we could explore time square! "Now go." Mr. G yelled again, shooing us away.
        We had to stay in our room groups, so me Pj, Josie, and Hazel started walking off as soon as we could.
        "You guys want a photo?" A knockoff elmo yelled at Pj, walking up to us. Pj pushed him over, his elmo head fell off. Me and Hazel couldn't stop laughing while trying to walk away from the scene— I knew she was crazy, but not violent...
        "I want a picture in front of the billboards! Pj, can you take a photo of me and y/n?" Hazel said, handing Pj her phone and walking a few steps away, my hand in hers.
        "Sure, whatever." Pj said, lining up the camera for a photo. "How about you two kiss? It'll make for a good pose!" She yelled, clearly somewhat sarcastically.
        Hazel looked at me nervously, whispering, "Is that ok?"
        I nodded, maybe a bit too enthusiastically. "Yeah, just for the picture." I said, trying not to show her that I did really want to kiss her.
        Seconds later Hazel leaned in to kiss me, her arm wrapped around my back and dipped me, just like that corny pose every couple does. I leaned into her kiss, lifting my leg up to go with the bit. It was corny but my butterflies were going crazy.
        "I already got it... you can stop kissing." Pj called, crossing her arms. "Pda is gross anyway..." she mumbled.
        Hazel pulled me up again, leaning away from me slightly. "Sorry... I-uh I thought it went with the whole game dating thing?" She whispered, walking back over to Pj and Josie.
        She didn't need to explain it to me, a kiss is a kiss. And she was really good at it. "No, it's fine. I got it. I also don't care, whatever we have to do is cool with me." I think I was getting better at playing it cool.
        "Ok, where to next?" Josie asked, looking around the brightly lit square. "I wanna visit the m&m store."
        "What, you buying something for Isabel?" Pj said, nudging Josie. Josie glared at her angrily.
        "Well anyway, I was going to visit the top of the empire state building." Hazel said, trying to distract the two girls.
        "I might as well go too." Pj said, standing next to Hazel. "I don't want to go pick out gifts at the m&m store for your girlf-"
        "I'll go to the m&m store with you, Josie." I said, interrupting Pj. Josie didn't need to be embarrassed by her again. "Let's go, we can meet you guys later! Text me when you're done." I said, trying to ignore Pj. I smiled at Josie and started walking towards the m&m store, Pj and Hazel walked in the opposite direction.

        "So, you didn't want to go with your girlfriend?" Josie said, turning to me while she walked.
        "I did, but I wanted to be away from Pj more than that." I said, pausing for a second to think about what I said... "Sorry, I know you guys are friends."
        Josie sighed, looking at the ground. "It's fine. She can be annoying, and cocky, and every other bad word to describe someone. Plus she keeps being an asshole about Isabel..." Josie turned to me, "I know you guys are friends so i'm sorry on Pj's behalf. "
        I smiled at her, it was obvious she liked Isabel and honestly kind of sweet. "No, I don't care. Honestly, you two would make a good couple. And it's sweet you're getting her m&ms."
        Josie was clearly blushing, and she wouldn't look at me. "You think? And, does she even like m&ms? Is it stupid?" She said quickly, and awkwardly. That seemed like a common theme with her.
        "She does, she always gets the big packs for sleepovers, her mom won't let her eat them otherwise." I say, laughing a bit.
        Josie sighed. "Good. I was worried about it, i haven't really done anything romantic or anything since- since we started dating." Josie said, smiling awkwardly.
        I couldn't help but smile back, I'm not even sure if Isabel was sure that she liked girls before Josie.

        We walked into the m&m store, gawking at the ungodly amount of chocolate in a million different colors.
        "So, are you getting some for Hazel?" Josie asked while grabbing a jar for an m&m bundle.
        I hadn't even thought of that... It would be nice, and would seal the deal for our fake relationship. "Yeah, probably." I grabbed a jar for m&ms and started filling it with every color in rainbow order— if they had different flavors I didn't want her to get one she didn't like.
        Josie was filling her cup up with white, pink, yellow, and red m&ms— all matching Isabel's normal color scheme. God they were cute.
        I walked up to her with my rainbow jar of m&ms, waiting her fill up another shade of pink. "That's perfect Josie, she'll love it." I said, startling her.
        "Good, I thought she'd want one that would match her outfits." Josie said shyly. She looked down at my jar. "The rainbow is pretty!" Josie said, closing her jar. "I really only know that Hazel likes taekwondo and... well, bombs. But I bet she'll like that!"
        I laughed, "Fair enough. I'm going to check out, meet you at the front!" I said, walking towards the counter. My phone buzzed in my pocket, I pulled it out to see a text from Hazel.
  "Me and Pj are coming to meet you guys! It was so windy she couldn't handle it."
        "That sounds about right. I got you some m&ms btw."
        I replied, smiling at my phone. The cashier called me up to pay before I could read Hazels next text. Josie paid right behind me.

        "We're back." Pj said, walking up to us outside of the store. "Remind me not to go to the top of the empire state building again."
        Me, Hazel, and Josie looked at each other and tried not to laugh.
        "So, I got you m&ms Hazel. I wasn't sure what to get you, so I got you everything." I said, handing Hazel the jar.
        "It's perfect." Hazel said, opening the jar and taking out a few m&ms. "What did you get for yourself?" She asked.
        "Damn I forgot about that? I could always have some of yours?" I said, smiling jokingly at Hazel. She held out the jar to me. I grabbed a few m&ms and took her hand.
        "Well, I got you a keychain." Hazel said, pulling a time square keychain out of her pocket. It was a small gesture but for some reason it made me weirdly happy.
        "Thank you. I'm sorry I can't share the keychain with you." I said, starting to walk in the direction of our hotel.
        "You paid for the m&ms so we're even!" Hazel said, grabbing more m&ms. She was the sweetest for no reason. For some reason it felt like we were actually in a relationship... if being in a game relationship was like this, i'll take this over just being friends.
        "Great, if we're even then i'm picking the movie. The m&ms can be a movie snack." I said, smiling and leaning my head against her shoulder.
        She leaned her head against mine. "Fine."

this chapter was lowkey fluff but i wanted a chance to write abt isabel and Josie (i accidentally skipped some plot stuff but wtv

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this chapter was lowkey fluff but i wanted a chance to write abt isabel and Josie (i accidentally skipped some plot stuff but wtv..)<33
also this mayyyy be the second to last chapter! more info on the next one though :)

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