6. 𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙎𝙩𝙤𝙥

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        "I'm so tireddd" Hazel complained.
        "Same. Why do we even have to go to school, our teachers are stupid and basically everyone there is sexist or just annoying." I said, laughing a bit.
        "I'm not though, right?" Hazel said jokingly. "And you aren't. So, at least there's that!" She smiled at me.
        I nudged her in the side, smiling back. "Yeah, whatever." I responded, "Are you taking the bus home?" I asked.
        "Yeah! You too?" she asked. I nodded happily in response. We walked the rest of the way to the bus stop talking about something stupid or pointless until we got to the stop. We stood there for only a few seconds before the bus arrived, screeching to a stop in front of us.
        We got onto the bus, bumping into each other as we got to the door. "You first!" Hazel said, letting me walk though the entryway. "Thanks." I responded, smiling too wide.
        I sat down in a window seat, leaving the one next to me open for Hazel. She sat down next to me, our knees barely touching.
        "So, which stop is yours?" I asked Hazel.
        "Well... i'm not sure the name but I recognize the houses nearby so, i'll go based off of that!" Hazel replied. I laughed back. "Why would you laugh at me! That's just rude." Hazel said jokingly. "Ok, ok sure, it's totally normal that you don't know your street." We laughed together as the bus lurched foward.
        "I'm exhausted." Hazel groaned.
        "We've ben just sitting on a bus for like ten minutes how are you more tired?" I asked.
        Hazel shrugged. She scooted closer to me and leaned her head on my shoulder. I looked over at her, seeing her eyes closed and her smiling face. I felt my face heat up and my stomach flutter again. I smiled down at her and turned away, looking out the window to the passing buildings and trees.
        Stops passed quickly as we sat quietly, Hazels head moving occasionally. Eventually, I felt her head move off my shoulder, seeing her blink and look back up at me.
        "Where are we?" She asked.
        "Uhh," I looked out the window and up to the sign that read the street name. "We're on River Street. The next stop is mine, do you know when yours is?"
        "Shit what?" Hazel started, "I've never seen a River Street stop when I was going home. I think.. I missed my stop." She groaned, tilting her head back onto the seat.
        "Shit. Uhm..." I stayed quiet, taking a second to think about what I could do to help, or make a good impression at least. "Well, if you want you could come over and my parents could drive you home? Or your mom could pick you up?" I smiled at her, I had hoped that her first time staying over would be just for us to hang out, but this works too.
        "Seriously? I mean... if that's ok with you?" She smiled back at me.
        "Yeah, let me text my parents. If you check in with yours they can drive you home!" I said, pulling out my phone. Hazel nodded, also pulling out her phone.

"Hey mom, can you drive my friend home? we missed her stop on the bus."

"Honey, me and your father are in italy this week, remember? We left today! But, if your friend wants her mom could pick her up or she could stay over!"

"Ok, thanks! Have fun in italy!"


       I put my phone back in my pocket, turning over to Hazel. "Well, I have good news and bad news, how about you?"
        "Well... uh, sort of just bad. My mom's not home. If your parents can drive than it's cool but, yeah." Hazel replied.
        "Uhm. That sort of cancels out the bad news at least?" I started. "My parents aren't home either, but, and only if you want, you could stay over? If you don't want to wait for the bus back home at least." I smiled awkwardly, hoping that a 'yes' was about to follow. I was a bit anxious over it honestly.
        "Yes! I mean, yeah, thanks for the offer, i would love to, that's... really sweet." Hazel nudged me with her knee, smiling. I smiled back, pulling the cord for our stop.

I pulled open the door, letting Hazel in fist. "You can put your stuff wherever you want, my room is upstairs, i'll show you where!" I said, hanging up my jacket.
"Cool, your house is nice!" Hazel said awkwardly. "Shoes on or off?" she asked.
"off probably! you can just leave them on the mat! follow me!" I said, turning to her and moving backwards towards the stairs.
"Ok ok wait for me!" She laughs, trying to kick off her shoes. "i'm going to get lost if you just leave me!"
I stop, rolling my eyes "Fine, but you have to hurry."
Hazel finished pulling her converse off, leaving them messily strewn wherever. "I am!" she called, almost running up to my side, our arms brushing each others when she caught up.
As we got to the base of the stairs I turned back, offering her my hand before I could even think about what I was doing. "Follow me" I said, smiling. She grabbed my hand, looking up and past me. "Lead the way" she replied. I looked away to make sure she couldn't see how big my smile was.
I took Hazel up a floor, showing her the rooms around as we walked. She also never let go of my hand, not like I let go of hers either though. "Ok, this is my room!" I opened the door and walked in, putting my bag in the corner and falling into my bed. Hazel threw her bag and looked over at me, standing in the middle of my room smiling.
"You can sit down wherever, the bed is the most comfortable-" Which was my way of saying please sit next to me. "-but there's also like a beanbag chair that's nice!"
Hazel sat on the end of my bed, near me, but not anywhere near as close as on the bus, sadly. "So, do you want to study? Or we could watch a movie or something?" I asked.
        "I don't think I can handle studying right now... do you want to watch a movie?" She asked.
        "Yes please. Can you pick? I'm not sure what i'd want to watch..." I say, getting up from bed and walking towards the door.
        "Yeah, sure! I think I have a movie in mind, you ok with horror though?" She said, following me out of the room.
        Normally, my answer would have been 'not necessarily' but... If Hazel wanted to, I could figure it out. "uh, yes! Totally!" How ...fun!

ok for context for the next chapter maybe watch the first fear street if you havnt

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ok for context for the next chapter maybe watch the first fear street if you havnt... no reason at all
anyway as per usual hope you enjoyed :)

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