7. 𝙁𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙩

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spoilers for the movie Fear Street (part one) ahead!

       Hazel sat down on the couch, reaching for the remote

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       Hazel sat down on the couch, reaching for the remote. I sat next to her, reaching for a blanket. "You want a blanket?" I asked
        "Sure, but we can just share that one probably! If that's cool!" She smiled widely at me. I handed her the blanket. Our hands brushed against each other's while she reached for the blanket, I looked away, but I felt like she was looking at me. I just stared at the TV, trying not to make what I know would be awkward eye contact.
        "I'll go turn the lights off, to set the mood!" Hazel said happily, bouncing off of the couch and getting to a light-switch.
        "Come on! i'm starting the movie without you!" I called.
        "Wait! Don't start it!" Hazel called back, getting back next to me on the couch.
        I laughed and pressed start on the movie, settling into the couch and bundling up under the blanket again, feeling more the warmth of Hazel next to me than the blanket.

        The movie began, starting with some sort of classic horror movie scene. There's this girl, and shes trapped slone with a serial killer in an abandoned mall. It shouldn't seem as scary as it is. As the sceen goes on, i tense up more, waiting for something to happen. Eventually, the masked killer pops out, jumpscaring me and killing the girl. I literally jump. After the scene ended I calmed down, taking deep breaths... before realizing that I had jumped closer to Hazel. Our legs were almost touching, we were so close that if she shifted even a centimeter we would be touching.

       Instinctively, I looked over at Hazel. The lighting was dark, but it wasn't hard to tell she was looking back.

        And smiling.

        I smiled quickly and looked away, hoping the darkness would hide my red face. God, the movie was the least of my focus. Hazel was on my mind. And, for some stupid, delusional, reson, I thought I was on hers. We'd only known each other for a few weeks, and most of those weeks were just getting to know each other over text. But, for some reason, it feels like we've known eachother for a long time. We know each others favorite colors, our birthdays, most of the little things, that only someone close to you would know.

        I looked back at the TV, still unable to focus on what was actually going on. Some time had passed, so we'd actually gotten into some important parts. While I was trying to pay attention, they were inside someones house, babysitting or something, when some weird shit started happening. I was tensing up again, and that was lcearly on purpose. I knew something was about to happen... but again, when the jumpscare popped up, i coudln't help but almost scream and jump.

        This time, it took me no time at all to realize that me and Hazel, after I had jumped, were practically cuddled up together. I was clutching the blanket, my head near the crook of her neck, and my legs on top of hers. My face flushed, like, much more than before. I turned back to Hazel. Again she was looking at me, but this time she looked away first.

         I moved away from Hazel, I couldn't tell how she felt because I coudl barely see her face but i assumed it wasn't good. "Sorry ha ha." I tried to laugh.

        "No, no its fine! I mean, I didn't mind it. It uh, made it easier to share the blanket!" Hazel smiled, even in the dark I could see her smile.

       "Oh, ok" I replied, moving back near Hazel. So, technically, this is cudling. With Hazel, and on purpose. I sat back down in the same spot, positioning myself comfortably, leaned up against her. She was warm, and her vest was soft. I somewhat instinctively lean my head on her chest. I caught myself smiling uncontrollably. I could even feel her wrap her arm around me, it was more behind me but still.

        A bit later in the movie, at some sort of 'low point' for jumpscares, an... interesting scene came on. Maybe awkward is a better word. So, while me and Hazel were sitting together we just quietly watched the two main characters-- who were both girls--make-out. Normally, with my friends at least, a gay makeout scene would be nothing remarkable, but, and maybe this is just us two being queer girls, it was awkward at the least with Hazel.

        As we both wathced the scene very quietly I wanted to look back at her again, maybe to see her reaction? I'm not sure. My one hope was that the dim lighting wouldn't make it obvious that I was staring at her, again. I turned slightly to look at her, it was more of a side eye honestly. I couldn't see her face clearly, so I looked over more, almost facing her, and --of course-- she looked over a few seconds after i started looking. It was only then when I really realized how close we were. Even in the dark I could see her blue eyes, her perfect hair, her smile.

        Normally, one of us would have looked away, but neither of us did. I don't know why. It's not like I had a reason to stop staring, but Hazel? I couldn't help but wonder why she was looking at me. I tried not to think about our closeness.

        The few seconds of us staring was like minutes. For some reason, I could have sworn we were just getting closer, she was magnetic I guess. I smiled at her, just to make sure she knew that I was still fully functioning. She smiled back, that big smile that she does too. I could have melted. For just a second, and no more than that, I looked down at her lips, at her smile. I wanted to lean in and recreate that scene with her. So, I looked away, back at the screen. If I did anything to ruin our friendship this early on...


        The movie ended with both of us cudled under a blanket, staring at the screen silently.

        "That was uh, really good, thanks for reccomending it Haze." I yawned, getting up to switch on the lights. Not that it mattered, but that was the first time i'd ever used a nickname for ehr in person... I wanted to see if she'd react. "Totally not scary at all!" I laughed.

        She laughed in response "Oh yeah, you screaming and jumping at every jumpscare, you must not've been scared!" she got up, putting the blanket back.

        "No, what! I don't know what you're talking about!" I said, walking towards the kitchen.

        Hazel followed close behind me. "Sure, sure, so how did you end up sitting practically on top of me if you weren't jumping?" Hazel asked, leaning against the counter.

        I turned around, grabbing something to drink,a nd hiding my face. "Uhm, well, you were the one who said it's easier to share a blanket." I replied, "Do you want something to drink?"

        "Sure, I'll have what you're having," She started "And its true! What... did you not want to share?" She asked, somewhat jokingly. Or, it sounded like she was trying to make it sound like a joke... I almost thought she was serious.

        "I... never said that." I replied, handing her a sprite. "Here, we can take these up to my room if you want?" I asked, moving toward the stairs.

        "Hm" Hazel mumbled something, I could barely hear. "Yeah, cool." She said, following me back upstairs.

okok if anyone actually reads this or comments, tell me wether you'd prefer a faster or slower paced romance bc rn I can be on track for either :)

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okok if anyone actually reads this or comments, tell me wether you'd prefer a faster or slower paced romance bc rn I can be on track for either :)

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