Chapter 3

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Two weeks later…

Pain, that was the first thing he registered as he felt arms around him, almost aiding him to his feet. His body protested, he wasn’t surprised since someone had put him in the uncomfortable bathtub, but he wasn’t blaming any of them, he was thankful for their help because he certainly didn’t have the strength to even climb to his own feet. 

“Easy, Leo, you have been out for quite some time” 

The voice belonged to Casey who was grinning at him through his missing teeth, beside him was Mikey, the youngest turtle happy that the oldest was awake. He had missed his baby brother, the orange turtle somehow still had the spark that he had since Leo first met him. The two of them aided him out of the bathroom and into another room which was half chaotic, showing part of it was Mikey’s side while the other was neat. 

“Sorry for the mess but the twins insisted on sharing” Mikey grunted out. 

“Twins?” Casey asked, making Leo sigh softly. 

“It’s how I refer to Donnie and Raph, the two of them act two similar and almost like they can read each other's minds, plus Sensei always called them twins” Mikey quickly answered, helping Leo onto the bed, the blue bandana turtle was out of breath from what should have been a two minute walk felt like a marathon to him. 

Hurried footsteps from the doorway followed by grumbling from a teenage girl alerted them all to April who muttered about boys not being able to keep anything clean but her muttering stopped when she noticed who was sitting on the bed opposite Mikey’s and the fact Casey was grinning.

“Leo! Oh god, we've missed you!” She cried out hugging the leader in blue who hugged back the best he could. April took notice of him looking over her shoulder almost expecting two others but when only Donatello appeared, his smile turned into a deep frown. Where was his hothead? Where was Raph? His look of confusion had Donnie sighing.

“Raph is asleep…” A

“Don? Please don't lie to me, what's wrong?” Leo instantly picked up on what Donatello was trying to cover up. 

“Raphs sick, he’s sleeping it off” April interrupted the conversation, her calm soothing tone had Leo nodding as he asked the million dollar question he had been wondering. 

“So, how long was I out?”  

Leo watched as all four of his family froze up, none of them wanting to answer the question, it was clear it had been a long time but how long? Was New York still standing? What else had happened while he was asleep? Did the others make it out of the City? 

“10 long weeks,” Casey bluntly answered, bringing more silence into the room. For once in his lifetime, the fierce Leonardo Hamato didn’t know how to take the news, he knew his body had been broken but he didn’t realise the effect it would have on the others. Casey and April looked worn out, Donnie looked like he hadn’t slept for years, Mikey was trying to hide under the cloud of happiness but Leo could see behind all of their shields. God knows what Raph had been feeling, he wished he could see the red bandana turtle but the others had to remind him of his weak immune system. He would have to stay out of Raph’s range until he was slightly better so Leonardo used that as his goal, he would do it for his own health and for the ability to hold his mate close. 

A good week passed meaning it had been 11 weeks since they had fled New York City and now he was a cripple, sitting on the steps of the farm house watching April, Casey, Mikey and Donnie train, they invited him over but he just didn’t have the energy to keep up. Instead, he needed to spiritually connect with himself before he could put his body through physical activities. Taking notice of the others' distraction, he headed into the house and up the stairs with the intention of finding his mate who had been out of his life for way too long. With ease, he climbed the stairs and stood for a moment to take a deep breath. He was in pain but had to push through if not for him but for Raph who he shortly found behind the door which had both graffiti and scientist symbols. Clearly the twins were sharing, a smile landed on his face seeing a bundle under the covers of one of the beds. Even if none of them were related, it was good to see the obvious ‘twins’ seek comfort amongst one another. 

With silent footsteps, he made his way to the side of the bed where he could only gaze down at his sleeping mate, Raph was curled under the covers with a cute expression on his face. The older turtle of the two couldn’t help but reach down and stroke the side of the face of the hothead who was certainly running a fever. It made him frown but that stopped when green emerald eyes blinked awake, only for a gasp to startle Leo who shook his head. 

“I thought I taught you to be more aware of your surroundings Raph?” he couldn’t help but tease as he took a seat on the bed. 

“L-eo?” it was said with so much uncertainty. Leo could only smile and nod, he opened his arms with a wince and soon enough Raph was in them, the hothead allowing a few tears to slip past his control. The leader in blue never said a word as he wiped the tears away, “I’m here, everything is going to be okay” he added, Raph only sobbed confusing Leo who rocked them slightly. He was unaware of another presence stepping into the room wearing a worried expression. 

Soon the sobs died down as both of them wiped their tears but before any of them could say anything, Raph’s weak immune system sent him into a coughing fit, he almost doubled-over but Leo’s hands prevented him from doing that. The hands on his hips had him smiling but what had him freezing was when Leo sniffed his scent glands, Raph knew he had another scent in them. 

“You smell strange” Leo muttered, trying to place his own scent over the other one, which overpowered his own making Leo frown as his grip loosened. Raph could feel his inner panic as he froze up in his mates arms, he tried to come up with something but he was failing to do so. 


“Raph? Are you okay?” Leo questioned, he felt the heartbeat of his mate quicken followed by his breathing. 

“Take a deep breath and count to three with me” Donnie’s voice turned Leo’s attention to the purple bandana turtle whose main focus was Raph who continued to listen to his twin, his breathing became more stable while Leo wore a look of confusion as he continued to rub his mates shell. The hothead looked sicker and paler, almost like he was going to vomit, with quick thinking Donnie grabbed the trashcan which soon found vomit in the bottom of it. The whimper of pain that escaped Raph, led to Leo pulling him closer and whispering words of comfort. 

“Don, what’s going on?” Leo asked, his eyes searching his mate’s body who seemed to have a silent conversation with Raph, the red bandana turtle giving him permission.

“Well how do I say this…uhhh?” 

“Don, just give it to me straight” Leo ordered, Raph continued to shake leading to his mate to wrap him up tightly. 

“Don, please…” Raph whimpered, Donnie could only nod as he spoke in a very protective tone, one that he normally reserved for both Raph and Mikey.

“Don, what's going on? Why does he smell strangely?” Leo turned towards Don who sighed. 

“He's pregnant”

Those two words had thoughts scrambling around the leader in blue’s mind, too much as it came to it, Don lunged forward catching Leo who had fainted from the news. Raphael could only stare at his mate in absolute worry, he felt too distraught, these hormones had dropped him to the level of an almost crybaby. Tears slipped down his vision as the worst thoughts appeared, he barely heard the footsteps before he felt the gentle hands on his face. 

“I’m here Raph, everything is going to be okay” April’s soothing tone followed by both Casey and Mikey’s own voices had Raph hiding his face in April’s neck and listening to her soothing words.

1448, shorter chapter until the next one is posted! Thank you for reading!
Updates are a little slower than the rest :)

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