Little Miss Perfect.

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  • Dedicated to To you because if your reading this... I love you :)

Just the start of my new short story! This is just a little teaser really so hope you like, and if so vote! And i will hopefull carry on writing it! :D x 


Little Miss Perfect.   


"You have got to be kidding me, daddy please dont do this, I havent done anything, they framed me, please"

 "No Melissa, ive had enough, your mum had brought you up to be a stuck up lady and i dont like that, your nothing like your mother, you need to come back down to earth"


"No Melissa you start tomorrow, and that is final"


You may think, what the hell is her problem? My problem is my parents. 

Im Melissa Bridge, when i was ten my dad left my mum because she's a stuck up cow, my dad wanted to take me with him, but she refused, so i was stuck with her, I was brought up to be popular, chearleader, good grades, model, photo shoots, only good boyfriends, and I guess that peed some people off, ive always been a goody girl, but everyone treated me like there queen, sure I had the looks and all that but I didnt really care for anyone, I didnt have the time.

 That when I get to now, my mum always let me go to parties, sure they were fun, but I just sat in the corner with a vodka nothing big. But this time, i swear to god my drink got spiked and all hell broke loose, I cant remember one thing, but apparenltey I slept with some random guy and started stripping, yeah kind of embarrasing.

I would not do that and I swore to mum that I didnt do it on purpose and I was spiked, I was pretty sure I didnt have sex, i hope, but she began all the 'your a dissapointement' and she decided that she was so embarrased of me so I have to live with my dad.

 So sure i love my dad to bits, but he's not exactly like mum. I knew that i didnt enjoy being a stuck up bitch, but i enjoyed the grades and the looks, so im upset I had to leave my school and stop being on top, and go to a peice of cheap dump where we live. 

My dad has always said that he wanted me to be his little girl, if he had his way, i wouldnt be a cheerleader i would have my fake blonde hair, i would be my natural self. The beautiful one, he always tells me but to be honest im so used to being mums little sunshine and being stuck up her butt, i dont have a clue what to do now. 

"Mel, im sorry, I just want the best for you, I want my little girl back, your mum has changed you" My dad whispered. I nodded and hugged him.

"I know daddy, im still your little girl, please dont make me go to that school" He shook his head, "no, youve changed and im sorry but going to a normal school without the priveledges is good for you, I love you and im doing this for you"

 "But its an all girl achool!" I screamed, come on id like some boy company.

 "Exactly" He screamed back, "look I dont know what happened, but your mum said you slept around, and i dont think you can be trusted " "I didnt dad please!" 

 "I beleive you but please just go to this school, no trouble will be there at all, please"

 I nodded, "fine" 

"Thanks princess"

 "Yeah whatever dad, whatever!"

 Looks like im going to an all girls school, and theres no way out of it. This sucks.

Little Miss Perfect. (I shall not be finishing this story for a while)Where stories live. Discover now