From good to bad.

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Chapter 5.

From good to bad.


"Hello, Chris and Geoff, how have you been" My dad spokeup, breaking the silence, but I ignored there answers, I was to busy staring at Chris, he was wearing black fancy jeans wish a crisp white shirt and his hair slightly spiked. He looked hot. No scrap that he looked flippin sexy.

"Melissa, fancy meeting you again" Chris spoke up, making eye contact, I gulped and tried to speak but nothing was coming out. He began to chuckle. 

Before I could make myself speak my dad cut in. "You two have met?" I nodded and let Chris explain. "Yes today actually, she dropped some bags, and I done my goody duty and helped her"

My dad grinned like an idiot, his eyes shimmering, what was he thinking? 

I grabbed my drink, trying to ignore them all, "maybe you two should date" Chris's dad spoke up. 

I was now taking a sip of my drink, the shock caused me to spit it out over Chris. 

"Oh my god, im so sorry" I squeeled. Grabbing a napkin, and made my way over to him, trying to wipe his shirt that now had turned a beige colour by my coke. 

"It's okay honestly" He smiled. "Im so sorry Chris, ill buy you a new one, oh my god, im such an idiot" I groaned, my cheeks bright red. 

"Mel, its all good, dont worry" He grinned, pulling my hand away from his chest but not letting go of it. 

I smiled and looked up to see my dad and Chris's laughing at us. I blushed and let go of Chris's hand and sat back down. 

The rest of the night when brilliantly, we all chatted but mostly me and Chris,I found out he helps his dad with his business, and wants to become a cop. I couldnt help but imagine him in a police outfit, I began to drule. 

"So I guess we better get going, you got school tomorrow missy" My dad chuckled. And I sighed. 

School. Great.

"We better get going to dad" Chris said, but never taking his eyes off me. 

We walked out together, me and Chris behind our father's.

"So do I get to take you on a date?" Chris whispered. I grinned and my heart flipped.

"I suppose I could fit you in" I whispered back trying to be seductive. 

He smiled a gorgeous smile, showing his pearly white teeth.

"Great, can I have your number" I nodded and took his phgone, typing in my number under Mel.

"Okay great ill see you later then" He said, taking my hand, and pulling me forward into his chest. 

He pressed his lips to my cheek, making want to melt, I couldn't help but stare at his gorgeous mouth, I wanted to kiss him on the lips, right there.

"Goodnight Melissa" He whispered, letting go of my hand, and walking away. 

"Goodnight" I shouted back and I could hear him laugh.

I couldn't help but sigh happily.

He was perfect.


'Bow Chicka wow wow what ya gonna say?"

I slammed down my alarm clock, dragging myself out of bed. 

I made my way to the bathroom, having a quick shower and drying my hair. 

I looked in my wardrobe, and decided on my clothes. I slipped on a pair of skinny jeans, and a black and white checkered top, with purple converse. I curled my hair and applied some make up and made my way downstairs. 

"You look nice sweety" My dad said as I walked in the kitchen. I looked down at my self. I admit I look alot better then I did yesterday. I wonder what Bree's gonna say, especially my now black hair.

"Thank dad" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek, and grabbing an apple. "Ill see ya later, love you"

I shouted as I walked out of teh door into my car.


I parked into a space in the school car park and grabbed my stuff, making my way out of the car.

No one turned and looked at me, like they usually did. Which I was glad about, it made me feel really small, and worried.

I walked into the building looking around. I spotted Rhianna, and went to walk up to her but she had already left when I got close. 

I spotted Bree and decided to take the plunge and meet them.

"Hey guys" I whispered. Bree turned to me, her mouth wide open, "Whaqt the fuck happened to your hair?" She screamed.

Before I could answer she jumped back in "and your clothes, you look like the emo nerds over there" Looking at Rhianna. 

"Look Bree, this is my natural hair colour, if you don't like it tough, and im wearing these clothes, because I feel comfortable in the, and I don't want to look like a slut no more"

She laughed at my face.

"That fine with me, you were never a good cheerleader anyway, come on girls" She laughed walking away.

"Oh and by the way Melissa, have fun on your own, cause no one is going to wnat to be your friend looking like that, and it's not like Rhianna is gonna wanna be friends with you anymore, because you crushed her" With that she walked off and I sighed.

Is it possible to go down the school scale in less then ten minutes.

I made my way to class, dodging people's legs trying to trip me up.


The first half of the day went quick and it was soon lunch, I went into the hall sitting on a spare table. 

"Move bitch" Bree shouted at me. 

What the heck was her problem.

"Why should I?" I screamed back standing up. 

"Because your a worthless peice of crap now move, I want to sit here"

I sighed and left the table making sure I bumped into her shoulder.

I won't cry, I won't cry.

Everyone was staring at me, and slowly people put there bags on spare chairs, so I couldn't sit anywhere. In the end I gave up and ran outside and found a tree outside the school to sit by myself.

I made my way there, and sat there hugging my knees and let the tears fall.

Ive just realised how much being little miss perfect has changed me.

And how much I don't ever want to be that bitch again.


Authors Note:

Hello :)

Hope everyone's having a lovely time :D

summer sun! 

This is alittle longer so please vote :D




<3 x

Little Miss Perfect. (I shall not be finishing this story for a while)Where stories live. Discover now