Reunited with a lost mother

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3rd POV

We find Team RWBY and AZRE minus Y/n setting up decorations for the upcoming dance, Yang and Cloud were moving heavy speakers, Hyde and Neo were placing out table cloths, Blake and Squall were hanging up streamers, and Ruby and Weiss are making sure the electric aspects are connected.

Weiss: Ruby are the wires connected on your side?

Ruby:  Yup.

Weiss: And have you decided when to ask Y/n for the dance?

Ruby: Uhhhhh....... 

Weiss: Ruby!

Ruby: I'm sorry but he wasn't around for the most of yesterday and when he got back he went straight to sleep.

Weiss: I still can't believe that we decided who was gonna ask him by rock paper scissors.

Just then Sun and Neptune then walked into the dance hall.

Neptune: Whoa, this place is looking great.

Weiss: Of course it is, I'm the one who planned.

Neptune: That's pretty cool.

Sun: You ladies ready to get all dressed up?

Weiss: Of course.

Neptune: So snow angel, how about you and I go together as a date?

Weiss: Sorry but no, I already have a date.

Neptune: WHa? who?

Weiss: Y/n.

Neptune: But isn't he gonna take Neo?

Weiss: Yes and Me as well.

Ruby: Speaking of, have you guys seen Y/n?

Sun: Nope, why?

Just then Y/n comes through the door walking to the group.

Sun: That's convenient.

Y/n: Ruby, Yang I need you two to come with me for a sec.

The two girls looked in confusion as they followed Y/n, as they were walking away Yang asked the question they were wondering.

Yang: Where are we going Y/n?

Y/n: We're heading to the hospital.

Timeskip-Vale hospital

Three were walking down the hallway of the hospital, the walk was relatively quiet but now Ruby asked Y/n a question.

Ruby: Hey Y/n, why are we at hospital?

Y/n: Well Rosie, one of the women wanted to meet  you two.

Yang: Why would some random person want to meet us?

Y/n: You'll see.

Ruby: Oh there was something else I wanted to ask you.

Y/n: What's up?

Ruby: Well....we're hoping you would like to go to the dance with us.

Y/n: Rosie, you know I don't like formal events like this.

Yang: Come on, you've been running ragged for the last couple of months. This dance is a good way for you  to relax for just a bit, plus all of us want to show off our dresses to you.

Y/n: well.....

Ruby*Puppy dog eyes*: Pleeeaase?

Y/n: Oh alright.

Ruby: Yay!* Hugs Y/n*

Yang: Alright, I'll invite Arc and Noel too.

Y/n: Ok we're here.

Three then stopped at the door Y/n then goes to open the door he turns to the two.

Y/n: Oh I forgot to mention, you might cry when you see her.

The two girls were confused again as Y/n opened the door, as they walked in and the two girls jaws dropped as they saw who was sitting in the bed. Tears started to well up their eyes.

Yang: No way.......

Ruby*teary eyed*: Mom......?

Summer: Hello there you two, you have grown so much since I last saw you.

Ruby and Yang then immediately ran over to hug Summer as the two cried in her embrace.

Ruby*Crying* Mom, you're alive!

Yang*Crying*: Please Tell me this is real.

Summer: This is real Yang,*crying* I'm sorry for leaving you two like that I can't imagine how you felt.

Ruby*Crying*: It's fine mom, just don't leave us again.

Summer: I won't.

Yang: Oh right,  um Mom there's something we need to tell you.

Summer: and what's that?

Ruby: Well we kind of went through a change....

Summer: Hmm,, I think I might know what that may be.

Summer then released her devil wings as Ruby and Yang were surprised as they looked back at Y/n.

Y/n: Yup, she's my new queen.

Ruby: So you're a devil to mom?

Summer: Yes, and when Y/n told  me you were living with him I assume you two are devils as well.

Ruby: Yup, I'm one of his pawns.

Yang: And I'm his rook.

Summer: I see.

Y/n: Yeah, well I'll leave you all to get some family time. I'll see you girls at the dance.

Ruby: Right, and thank you Y/n for saving our mom.

Y/n: No problem Rosie.

Yang: Hold it!

Y/n: What is it Ya-mph!

Yang then kisses Y/n as they melted into the kiss, they broke apart after a little bit for air.

Yang: That would be my thanks, and I'm expecting another one during the dance~

Ruby: No fair Yang!

Ruby then ran up to Y/n and stood on her toes to kiss Y/n as well, Summer could only smile at the seen but her heart ache as well.

Summer( I'm so glad they found a man who loves them, but why does my chest hurt  seeing them like I.....Jealous?)

Y/n: Well, see you lovely ladies tomorrow night.

Y/n then leaves the room as he walks away to find a suit.

END/ Short chapter next one will be longer.

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