26. Manipulations

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Y/n awoke the next morning to find Jungkook lying beside her. He had kept a respectful distance. She reached out, her hand hovering above his forehead, hesitating for a moment. The urge to touch his eyebrows and feel the softness of his hair was too strong to resist, and she finally let her fingers brush gently against his skin.

As she traced the lines of his face, a sense of peace washed over her. She marveled at how effortlessly handsome he is.

Jungkook stirred slightly under her touch, his eyes fluttering open to meet hers. There was a moment of silence, where neither spoke, but the unspoken understanding between them grew stronger. He offered her a soft smile, one that conveyed both warmth and reassurance, and Y/n found herself returning it without hesitation.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked, his voice husky from sleep.

She nodded, her hand still resting lightly on his forehead.

Jungkook shifted closer, closing the space between them. "I'm glad," he murmured. His gaze held hers, and for a brief moment, the world outside their shared space ceased to exist.

In that instant, Y/n realized that her feelings for him were no longer just casual. They were growing into something deeper, something she wasn't sure she was ready to confront.

Y/n stood up and began gathering her belongings scattered across the couch. "What's the rush?" Jungkook asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Your employees will be arriving soon," she replied, gesturing to her disheveled appearance. "It wouldn't look decent if I walked out of your office like this in front of everyone."

He leaned back, a smirk playing on his lips. "You're always so concerned about what others will think, but have you ever thought about what I think? Should I take it as a sign that you're comfortable enough with me?"

Without meeting his eyes, she responded, "If I wasn't comfortable, I wouldn't have shared a bed with you."

"I like this progress," Jungkook murmured, moving behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist, catching her by surprise. Her hand instinctively reached up to rest on his.

"You said you wanted to know more about me. Did you mean that?" he asked, resting his chin in the crook of her neck. She hummed softly in agreement, nodding slightly.

"Clear your schedule for a week," he continued. "I want to take you somewhere."

"A week?" Y/n frowned in surprise.

"We can come back in a day if you're uncomfortable," he assured her, waiting for her response.

"Will Seol be coming?" she asked, curiously.

He chuckled, his voice teasing. "Do you think I'd do something to you if Seol isn't there?"

She gasped, turning to face him. "When did I ever say that?"

He laughed softly, enjoying her flustered reaction. "Yes, he'll come along."

The thought of spending an entire week with him, away from the chaos of their daily lives, stirred something inside her-a blend of excitement and nervous anticipation that she hadn't felt in a long time.

After spending the entire day and night at Jungkook's office, Y/n finally returned to her family mansion. She slipped into the house as quietly as possible, careful not to draw any attention. Once inside her room, she shut the door softly, only to be startled by an unexpected presence.

Eunwoo was sitting on her bed, scrolling through his phone. The coldness in his gaze was unmistakable as he looked up and asked, "Where were you all night?"

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